People with really white teef
1,652 Posts
Yo, I'm down with teeth whitening and self-beautification or whatever, but don't come at me with your super-unnatural, bleached Tic-Tac looking chompers. An extra when coupled with an unnatural orangey supertan.
edit... the girl not the dude..
please to poast thank you
Its amazing how you can post a picture of any human female on this board and someone will want to blap and someone else will find fault with her appearance. Any woman at all!
I bet there's someone.....
So what's the problem? One man's queen is another man's sweathog and that's just the way things go sometimes.
I got those when I quit smoking, and was pretty surprised at the random pains that would occasionally shoot through my teeth. It felt like I had bleached my nerve endings. I still have half a box and will occasionally throw them on to even out the coffee intake, but twice a day?
ditto. it's like those things just dissolve the top layer of enamal on your teeth. painful shit.
sayin. my wife tried to mess with those before our wedding. They were expensive as hell she quit after a couple of days.
you sound REALLY poor. we are talkin' about crest white strips here. they sell them at the supermarket.
I think that's what it is. She's top-lip-less.
ever notice how everyone on Survivor or any of those shows has perfectly white teeth? They are all nasty and crusty and their teeth are shining.
^^^That's exactly what they do. A good look if you need your teeth to be white, NAGL if you are about the longevity of your teeth.