Downsizing the Collection



  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    but what if your tastes change or you hear something on the record at another time or dont know the record well enough yet?

  • I'm currently pricing 2,000 records for the College Park show. I've been sitting on these for years.

    The goal is to return with NONE of them.


    how do you hope to accomplish that?

    I realize that selling them all isn't realistic.. But I'll drop prices if people are holding back. I'm pricing stuff low and I'll give away a bunch if I have to. I need these records out of my life! Hopefully I can get rid of half at least.

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    but what if your tastes change or you hear something on the record at another time or dont know the record well enough yet?

    Well were talking about records you have had sitting in your collection for ages, so for me, I can tell pretty much after a few listens if the shit is wack or dope (to my standards). I justr had heaps and heaps of shit stashed away 'for future use' and when i went thru it all i found that alot of it was crap, i mean why keep a record just for a horn stab in the intro of a song, or a snare sample... there the ones I culled.

    I don't think my tastes will change drastically, just more refined nowadays, before I would collect shit cus it was a bargain, or cus people liked them generally, but now if I dont dig it, i wont keep it.

    As for knowing the record well enough, I see your point there, Ive pulled shit out over the years I forgotten about or went back to and found something I liked... So you got to be selective, and it doesnt hurt to let your freinds go thru your 'culled' stack to see if they like anything in there, dudes will suprise you, but everyone knows they got some records they know they only played once when they got it, and will sit there forever. Plus during the culling process you get re acquainted with some old favourites.

    On a side note semi related. Years ago I had done a mini cull and had about 50 wack pop style records ready to turn into frisbees (you know those 50 cent chances that are duds) I mean I had some of the shittiest tunes in that stack. Long story short, i bring a girl home with me, she see all my records, starts saying how she Loves records and has some herself. i invite her to have a flick thru my crates, and she goes to the wack culled stack, and every second record she flick by she pull out with some "oh my god, I luv this track" comments. It almost stopped me from rooting her...almost!
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