Academy Awards wrap-up

mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
edited February 2008 in Strut Central
Ok, let's have it.


  • I liked it when the lady who played Edith Piaf won and then she was so surprised and rattled by it (in a good way). Those are the people I like to see win. I also like that the lady from Once who won for best song got cut off when she wanted to say something and then John Stewart had her come back after the break and give her speech.

    That's about all I remember. I noticed it ran 15 minutes short. They still cut off speeches even though they were obviously stretching the content.

  • a woman who I assume was married to a Cohen brother was major geeked.

    Josh Brolin's dad sells mufflers and snuggles with Babs.

  • I heard Juno won for best screenplay. That's hilarious.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I watched it with the sound off, and came in half way, but it was pretty much like this:

    Bunch of people, lots of blah blah blah... looonnnggg boring movie themes.. too many TRIBUTES.. Tuxedos, random shots of celebritys, John stewart, Cameron Diaz is a moron, I blanked out for a while, Best actor, DDL, Clooney looks pissed LOL? Daniel Day Lewis is on but he looks like a british hippy with a pirate earring? Really? Cate Blanchett gets snubbed for best actress, and supporting actress. Some cute girl wins an award, I turn on the sound, turns out it was for Juno, I turn off the sound. Cohen brothers get best direction, and then oh shit best movie.

    Then credits.. Mission impossible theme in the background.

    What a magical experience

    - spidey

  • The whole thing seemed really disjointed and outgrowth of the writer's strike to be sure. Stewart did a good, not great, job. My favorite moment of the night was after the couple from 'Once,' won for best song, and gave their speech, and he came back with, 'Man. That guy is so arrogant. Jesus.'

    As usual...Fairly entertaining, fairly forgettable. Got no beef with the winners, though.

  • Anyone else catch Gary Busey running amuck on the red carpet? He deserves a special Oscar for making Ryan Seacrest uncomfortable...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    The Wire at the Oscars!

    Amy Ryan (Officer Russell from the docks, with McNulty now) voted for Best Supporting Actress - where the hell did that come from?! Was Gone Baby Gone a good movie? I may watch it just for her now.

    I was in bed by 10, it was too boring. I like Cate Blanchett's dress and Vanessa Paradis looked stunning as usual. The Cody Diablo story is a good one, but I wish she would stop wearing animal prints. How come it makes perfect sense that Bardem's mom looks like that?

    Slightly related...anyone see Ruby Dee speak at the NAACP Awards? It made me squirm a bit and I wondered what the hell she would say if she won the Oscar and if they would dare start the music in the middle of her speech!

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Best line of the night:

    "Usually when you see a woman or a black guy as president, an asteroid is about to hit the statue of liberty..."

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    Once was a nice movie...

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    For a bunch of people who are so sanctimonious and smug in their assurances of their superiority to us mere mortals, they certainly operate with a heavy hand.

    It appears that they have completely given up on trying to lure American movie goers back into the theaters to fork over $12 - $15 to watch the crappy movies their kids (now all actors, directors, etc. in the family business) make, and are trying to salvage what is left of the foreign market. And of course to ingratiate themselves with the elite European one-worlders who they are forever desperately trying to imitate.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    the ex-stripper chick who wrote Juno gave her "thanks to my parents for believing in me even though i rubbed up on dicks at one point" speech and then kind of did this weird walk off stage looking super uncomfortable. almost like she was embarrassed that a designer didn't come to her with a nice dress to wear so she was stuck with the leopard print.

    spend that money girlllllll

  • And of course to ingratiate themselves with the elite European one-worlders who they are forever desperately trying to imitate. are repopulating American cities as Americans can no longer afford to live there

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    the ex-stripper chick who wrote Juno gave her "thanks to my parents for believing in me even though i rubbed up on dicks at one point" speech and then kind of did this weird walk off stage looking super uncomfortable. almost like she was embarrassed that a designer didn't come to her with a nice dress to wear so she was stuck with the leopard print.

    spend that money girlllllll

    after some research and picture examining i have changed my mind. it was probably a Christian Dior leopard dress and her shoes were worth a million dollars.

    she still ran off stage like she was shook though.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    the ex-stripper chick who wrote Juno gave her "thanks to my parents for believing in me even though i rubbed up on dicks at one point" speech and then kind of did this weird walk off stage looking super uncomfortable. almost like she was embarrassed that a designer didn't come to her with a nice dress to wear so she was stuck with the leopard print.

    Fancy-footwear designer Stuart Weitzman chose Diablo Cody to wear his specially designed $1 million Retro Rose shoes on the red carpet, but the "Juno" screenwriter might leave the diamond-encrusted high heels off her feet Sunday. Cody's not completely thrilled, "now that I think about it."

    "They're using me to publicize their stupid shoes and NOBODY ASKED ME," Cody wrote on her MySpace blog Friday. "I would never consent to a lame publicity stunt at a time when I already want to hide."

    Weitzman wasn't at his Four Seasons Hotel shoe suite in Beverly Hills on Saturday afternoon while Taryn Cox, assistant to Scarlett Johansson (size 9), and "Today" show entertainment correspondent Jill Rappaport (size 10) browsed Weitzman's wares.

    "I would expect she probably won't wear them. She made that very clear," Weitzman later told the AP about the shoe tussle during a telephone interview Saturday night. "If she decides not to wear the shoes, that's Diablo's decision, and I wouldn't try to convince her otherwise. It's Diablo's day, and she can do whatever she wants."

    Weitzman says he made the cost of the metallic beige shoes ??? more than $2.5 million, including parts that were not used in the final pair ??? clear to Cody when he met with her. He blames Cody's behind-the-scenes team for not communicating the value of the shoes to the Oscar-nominated screenwriter.

    "I'm just embarrassed that she wrote what she wrote," he said.

    Even so, the designer says he wouldn't change his decision to give the ultra-expensive slippers to Cody.

  • behemothbehemoth 2,189 Posts
    the ex-stripper chick who wrote Juno gave her "thanks to my parents for believing in me even though i rubbed up on dicks at one point" speech and then kind of did this weird walk off stage looking super uncomfortable. almost like she was embarrassed that a designer didn't come to her with a nice dress to wear so she was stuck with the leopard print.

    Fancy-footwear designer Stuart Weitzman chose Diablo Cody to wear his specially designed $1 million Retro Rose shoes on the red carpet, but the "Juno" screenwriter might leave the diamond-encrusted high heels off her feet Sunday. Cody's not completely thrilled, "now that I think about it."

    "They're using me to publicize their stupid shoes and NOBODY ASKED ME," Cody wrote on her MySpace blog Friday. "I would never consent to a lame publicity stunt at a time when I already want to hide."

    Weitzman wasn't at his Four Seasons Hotel shoe suite in Beverly Hills on Saturday afternoon while Taryn Cox, assistant to Scarlett Johansson (size 9), and "Today" show entertainment correspondent Jill Rappaport (size 10) browsed Weitzman's wares.

    "I would expect she probably won't wear them. She made that very clear," Weitzman later told the AP about the shoe tussle during a telephone interview Saturday night. "If she decides not to wear the shoes, that's Diablo's decision, and I wouldn't try to convince her otherwise. It's Diablo's day, and she can do whatever she wants."

    Weitzman says he made the cost of the metallic beige shoes ??? more than $2.5 million, including parts that were not used in the final pair ??? clear to Cody when he met with her. He blames Cody's behind-the-scenes team for not communicating the value of the shoes to the Oscar-nominated screenwriter.

    "I'm just embarrassed that she wrote what she wrote," he said.

    Even so, the designer says he wouldn't change his decision to give the ultra-expensive slippers to Cody.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Slightly related...anyone see Ruby Dee speak at the NAACP Awards? It made me squirm a bit and I wondered what the hell she would say if she won the Oscar and if they would dare start the music in the middle of her speech!

    "my dear mother...Yes,yes,yes....would take out her NAACP donations from her pantyhose,that was the bank then....yes,yes,yes..."

    The Oscars.......

    too many TRIBUTES

    way too many montages. But i figured it was due to the lack of writers.

    My friends and I drank/toasted everytime we saw Jack Nicholson.

  • pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts
    I really could of done without the songs and tributes. But at least every time one came on I flipped it over to the Rockets game, so I guess things worked out okay.

  • Ive never watched this shit and dont understand why people do

  • when will odub bless us with his commentary?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I was feelin Jessica Alba's Burgundy/Wine dress.

    That red shit is boring as hell.

  • I was feelin Jessica Alba's Burgundy/Wine dress.

    That red shit is boring as hell.

    whoah there was an ALBA APPEARANCE?!?! please to post pics. please to post pics. please to post pics. please to post pics. please to post pics. please to post pics.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    I was feelin Jessica Alba's Burgundy/Wine dress.

    That red shit is boring as hell.

  • you suck you bandwidth theif.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

    i think she needs to rock an empire silhouette cuz she's preggers

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I think the strapless is boring as hell - that's why I like Blanchett's dress so much. I liked the draping on Calista Flockhart's dress, but, ultimately, nothing looks very good on a twig. Jennifer Hudson's dress was very nice but wrong for such a buxom figure, it was not at all flattering from the waist up. I liked the colour of Travolta's wife's dress, that super-rich mustard, but it was a rehash of Michelle Williams' stunning dress when she attended for BBack Mountain - and the cut of her dress was way better and the colour suited her way more. I think all that red is boring, too.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I think the strapless is boring as hell - that's why I like Blanchett's dress so much. I liked the draping on Calista Flockhart's dress, but, ultimately, nothing looks very good on a twig. Jennifer Hudson's dress was very nice but wrong for such a buxom figure, it was not at all flattering from the waist up. I liked the colour of Travolta's wife's dress, that super-rich mustard, but it was a rehash of Michelle Williams' stunning dress when she attended for BBack Mountain - and the cut of her dress was way better and the colour suited her way more. I think all that red is boring, too.

  • Options
    Anyone catch Gary Busey kiss Jennifer Garner on the neck? She was horrified.

    Seth Rogan and the fat kid from Superbad dressed scarily alike by accident.

    Travolta looked gayer then ever.

  • can someone name these white celebs? I am disconnected. I see maybe Katherine Heigel in a corset and Rachel Weisz? I can't really call it though; the pics are too small and I don't read US Weekly. school me.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    e Katherine Heigel in a corset and Rachel Weisz?

    Heidi Klum on the far right.
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