The Roots-Things Fall Apart Covers

When this album came out I knew it had different covers. When I went to purchase it, I saw the one with the baby crying in front of burned buildings and the one with the girl running and screaming, which is the most common one. At the time I had no idea that I would never see the other covers again, so I bought the one with the girl cause I like it better than the one with the kid.SO, I just wanted to know if anybody had info on the other covers and how rare/collectible they might be. I think there might have been at least two other covers.
Oh, my bad for the bad grammar, but that wasn't a question. I was just saying that that cover is[/b] the most common one.
a quick search on ebay showed no difference in "raerity" (price wise) between the covers...and i hadnt ever heard any thing about a rare vs. non-rare cover...could have been a regional release type deal...
As far as I know, the vinyls were plain black jacket with a sticker. No picture art.
This pic is from the rape of nanking, perhaps one of the most sadisitic acts of brutality in mankind. The first hand accounts of events are truly mortifying.....:(
and white jacket
I got my hopes up when it came out. I thought I just got a promo LP, but I kept looking and never found LP's with the pic covers.
CD right?
yes..i have the vinyl White Jacket...and the Cd girl running..i've never seen any Lp picture covers
In Japan, opinion among the public about it is divided, with some sentiment, especially among conservatives, that the Nanking Massacre has been exaggerated (if not fabricated) ...
Hmmm, they have Republicans in Japan????