External Harddrive - I NEED MORE MEMORY

JRootJRoot 861 Posts
edited February 2008 in Strut Central
All the music and pictures and other high-volume files on my laptop (IBM Thinkpad, vintage 2004) are cramming it up. I need more memory. What does The Strut recommend?


  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    my book. 500gb. under $200.
    do it.

  • If you're looking for something portable, I just grabbed one of these yesterday:

    Western Digital Passport (250 GB for about $120).

    I'm dumping my music on there and using my Lacie external for backups (Time Machine related).

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I went ahead and got a full on terabyte. I had a bunch of best buy gift certs anyways. plus, terabyte sounds cool. like pteradactyl.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I went ahead and got a full on terabyte. I had a bunch of best buy gift certs anyways. plus, terabyte sounds cool. like pteradactyl.

    which one did you get?

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    All the music and pictures and other high-volume files on my laptop (IBM Thinkpad, vintage 2004) are cramming it up. I need more memory.

    What does The Strut recommend?

    8mb cache minimum (16mb preferred)
    7200rpm minimum for video/music streaming & serrrrrrato

    Steer clear of Maxtor & Lacie

    Check out Storage review

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I went ahead and got a full on terabyte. I had a bunch of best buy gift certs anyways. plus, terabyte sounds cool. like pteradactyl.

    which one did you get?

    I can't remember... its at home and I'm at work. Its worked fine so far though. I'll check when I get home. I use it mostly for storage.

  • I'm looking for something myself for my G4.

    That Western Digital Passport sounds good.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    If you're looking for something portable, I just grabbed one of these yesterday:

    Western Digital Passport (250 GB for about $120).

    I'm dumping my music on there and using my Lacie external for backups (Time Machine related).

    The 320 GB is out now for around $150. I love the no need for a AC adapter.

    Tho, I'm thinking about buying a 1TB SATA 3 Gb/s 7200rpm for $265

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    Steer clear of Maxtor & Lacie

    why i was thinking of ing a backup one but do you care to elaborate

    i have a 350 lacie that was super cheap for a mysterious reason

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    If you're looking for something portable, I just grabbed one of these yesterday:

    Western Digital Passport (250 GB for about $120).

    I'm dumping my music on there and using my Lacie external for backups (Time Machine related).

    Whats the cons on a portable? Its seems the way to go, but there has to be a catch.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    If you're looking for something portable, I just grabbed one of these yesterday:

    Western Digital Passport (250 GB for about $120).

    I'm dumping my music on there and using my Lacie external for backups (Time Machine related).

    Whats the cons on a portable? Its seems the way to go, but there has to be a catch.

    Just that you can't really get bigger than 320 GB right now or faster speeds like say a 1 TB SATA 3.0Gb/s 7200rpm 32MB drive.

  • Whats the cons on a portable? Its seems the way to go, but there has to be a catch.

    Two of my friends had these Western Digitals crap out on them. I believe they left the HD's on and connected to the computer for extended periods of time. I mayself, have one. I dropped it, that one broke from the one fall. It was easy to replace through WD, got a new one. I think I've have had the new one for about 9 months, maybe more with no issues. I do eject the HD when I am not using it and am extra careful with it.

  • Whats the cons on a portable? Its seems the way to go, but there has to be a catch.

    Two of my friends had these Western Digitals crap out on them. I believe they left the HD's on and connected to the computer for extended periods of time. I mayself, have one. I dropped it, that one broke from the one fall. It was easy to replace through WD, got a new one. I think I've have had the new one for about 9 months, maybe more with no issues. I do eject the HD when I am not using it and am extra careful with it.

    Yeah ... I'm definitely planning on backing up everything I keep on this thing. I'm going with the assumption that it's going to poop the bed within a year or two. Though, I do eject drives when disconnecting them and I also grabbed one of these cases for when I bring it with me:

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Steer clear of Maxtor & Lacie

    why i was thinking of ing a backup one but do you care to elaborate

    i have a 350 lacie that was super cheap for a mysterious reason

    Lacie are notorious for unreliability. You may not have any problems with yours but supposedly, they have a very high failure rate. I've never bought one personally. I did want the rugged FW 7200rpm external for Serrrrrrrrato, but I read a lot of reports on failures and issues with the drive not mounting properly, that I went with WD.

    With my data, I'm not taking that chance.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    the lacie porsches are a piece of shit too

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    the lacie porsches are a piece of shit too

    Funny story about that. My sister asked me which ext HD she should get to put her work projects on, so we went down to to the local Microcenter. Looked through all the drives that I recommended and she finally decides, against my recommendation, to get a Porsche because it matched her G5 tower and "it's a Porsche".

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    the lacie porsches are a piece of shit too


    thats what i have...

    hope it holds another couple of months

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    the lacie porsches are a piece of shit too


    thats what i have...

    hope it holds another couple of months

    backup backup backup...

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    my book. 500gb. under $200.
    do it.

    Did it. 500gb on sale at my local best buy for $139.99. Now my computer is happy again.

    Thanks again everybody for your advice.

  • my book. 500gb. under $200.
    do it.

    Did it. 500gb on sale at my local best buy for $139.99. Now my computer is happy again.

    Thanks again everybody for your advice.

    be careful... my WD mybook died on me about a month ago. lost over 200 gigs of schitt. data recovery is gonna cost me btwn $300 - $900 if they can even save the schitt at all.
    its a pain in the azz because i have (had) about 1000 gigs of schitt, but now i'm just backing up everything on extra ext HDs PLUS putting the real important schitt on DVD.

    i know a few other people who's mybooks died on them recently... might be a reason why they've been on sale a lot. beware...

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    my book. 500gb. under $200.
    do it.

    Did it. 500gb on sale at my local best buy for $139.99. Now my computer is happy again.

    Thanks again everybody for your advice.

    be careful... my WD mybook died on me about a month ago. lost over 200 gigs of schitt.

    Thanks for the warning Phill. If this ish breaks, I'll be kinda put out. I won't be putting any really important stuff on there. Just my Phill Most Chill mp3s .

  • Thanks for the warning Phill. If this ish breaks, I'll be kinda put out. I won't be putting any really important stuff on there. Just my Phill Most Chill mp3s .

    phill most chill mp3s = not

  • i know a few other people who's mybooks died on them recently... might be a reason why they've been on sale a lot. beware...

    For real?! I'm planning on buying one of these tomorrow after work! They're $120 at Targhetto.

    What do you guys recommend?

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    Just do it, Herm, and then when the my books crash on us, we'll still have each other.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    local best buy ad (don't know if it's national) for this week seems to have a lot of externals on sale

  • local best buy ad (don't know if it's national) for this week seems to have a lot of externals on sale

    I'm pretty sure it IS national, but what do you guys suggest? Western Digital and SimpleTech seem to be the best deals.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i haven't bought an external in a while so i haven't been keeping up with whats good. i usually just google up the model to see if there have been any consistent problems with that particular model and decide from there.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I will ride for Seagate. Check Costco for some good ones.

    - spidey
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