Cooking Itunes Library in Microwave
1,704 Posts
I had bought a new laptop and installed Ser ato on it and imported my Itunes library. However, there are 100 or so songs that when imported, did not import the name of the artist and imported old names of tracks. For instance I uploaded a ton of cds and went through and named the songs afterwards. All the information is correct in Itunes but shows up in Ser ato either with a track name or Track 01, 02 etc. but no artist name or other info. How can I remedy this situation? I thought about removing Ser ato and reinstalling then reimporting the music, but not sure if this will work or if there is an easier solution.Any idears? Thanks!Your pal and mine,King Oss
1) Have you tried to import them directly into instead of having it read the itunes library?
2) Have you tried editing some information on the tracks in itunes, so it will rewrite the ID3 tag?
3) Have you tried to edit some information in to see if it will pull up the rest of the ID3 info after editing?
3) If none of those work you will need a program that repairs ID3 tags, there's a ton out there, works decent.
i tried 2, didn't try 1, 3 or the second 3. thanks for the tip! i posted this on the ser ato board to no response. its frustrating knowing i have other cuts to play but can't find em....
The tracks are still playable in iTunes. But only when they are played in Microwave will they get re-organized back into their correct folder.
I keep my entire iTunes library on an external drive.
I previously had mine sorted like normal files in folders. I use an iRiver and had not problem bringing stuff in an out of Ser.ato.