MORE f*cked up kids' names

BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
edited February 2008 in Strut Central
Please help. I am addicted to searching this database. Somebody take over for me for awhile.Midday finds:CalculusPrincesspreciousProven Opiffany (hell yes)ProudlyDiscoveryWachoviaDe Dieu LivingstoneProspero (ill supervillain name)De KrickiousUnsashableDeej (girl)FabolousGunQueenayatollahBluebunny-April (give me a Frickin' break)Cheetara (now we're talking)Jehosophat (dibs)AyoErotika (facemelt)Sincere KnowledgeBlessence SuperiorChopperOmniscientPleasure (uh...)Daddykool (gameover)Chainz (LBE?)Mayo (LWE?)Stark (price check?)And my favorite...Sir Lanceolot


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Deej (girl)

  • Deej (girl)

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    Deej (girl)

  • Unsashable

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Some of my fave hoops names...

    Baskerville Holmes
    Fennis Dembo
    Exree Hipp
    Uwe Blab
    Majestic Mapp(and his brother Scientific)

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    lol. That wasn't meant to be an insult - just thought it was funny. My initial intent was to find a set of parents that had preemptively decided their child was going to be a DJ. No such luck.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts



  • Unsashable


    yea that name is pretty much the illest.

    Calculus is pretty Frickin' hard too.

  • Some of my fave hoops names...

    Baskerville Holmes
    Fennis Dembo
    Exree Hipp
    Uwe Blab
    Majestic Mapp(and his brother Scientific)

    Fennis Dembo is classic, and pretty unfadeable.

    Though, Granville Waiters is up thurr.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Some of my fave hoops names...

    Baskerville Holmes
    Fennis Dembo
    Exree Hipp
    Uwe Blab
    Majestic Mapp(and his brother Scientific)

    Don't forget God Shammgod and Alan Ogg.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Calculus is pretty Frickin' hard too.


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Deej (girl)


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Oshen Yaxche Klein-Ruiz

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    Chopper is the nickname of a famous Aussie criminal (whos ears are missing....) so maybe the parents want to raise a criminal.... or the kid was born with big teeth...

    But im loving unsashable, since my name is sasha... that means thats one person i will know from the start i wont get along with....

    me: Hi whats your name?
    her: Unsashable
    me: oh really, shit....
    her: why? whats your name?
    me: sasha
    her: Oh, I dont think Im allowed to talk to you.... ever!

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Chopper is the nickname of a famous Aussie criminal (whos ears are missing....)

    Great movie too.

  • Oshen Yaxche Klein-Ruiz

    he looks blunted!

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    Yourhighness Morgan

    Inside linebacker
    Bushnell (FL) South Sumter

    Ht: 6-foot-2 (Event)
    Wt: 218 lbs
    Class: 2008 (High School)

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    Yeah Chopper is one of my fav. movies, watched it 3 times in a row. His books are funny, and his stand up tour was awesome. His 'hip hop' album was not.... its weak as, but has some good local oz hip hop guest spots, but ChopChop can't rap for shit.....

  • How is this even possible?

    FUNMILAYO Girl 3
    FUNMILOLA Girl 2
    FUNDA Girl 1
    FUNDRAIL Boy 1
    FUNTAIN Boy 1
    FUNTEZES Boy 1

    umm, functionfp? son of basic programmer?

  • HARDICK Boy 1

    HARDON Boy 1

  • F

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    I've always thought that Caliber would make a pretty tough name (for a boy or girl).

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    I'm all about crazy names. If we have a boy we're naming him Cash Rocket

  • Yea ima settle on naming my kid calculon now that i realize that its acceptable somewhere.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    My firstborn boy will be named Magnum Hardass.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    Come on, man! Wachovia? I've seen some crazy names but these are getting ridiculous. I need to see some scans of Driver's Licenses for some of these, otherwise

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    Oshen Yaxche Klein-Ruiz

    he looks blunted!

    Dude takes after his unckie Guzzo

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    Come on, man! Wachovia? I've seen some crazy names but these are getting ridiculous. I need to see some scans of Driver's Licenses for some of these, otherwise

    I totally believe that is real - but the parents probably didn't receive a pile of cash for it which is lame...
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