paging HarveyCanal...

rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
YOU SEE THIS PIC ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE NEW YORK TIMES?!!? I mean, I always sorta believed you when you said chem trails were a shadowy gov't plot, but I did not appreciate just how deep it was until now.OBAMA/CHEMTRAIL TICKET '08. IT AINT SAFE NO MORE.


  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts

    It's like it's spewing from his mic and brain

  • and if someone offs Obama, we would be at the vicious mercy of the chemtrail.

  • It's like it's spewing from his mic and brain


  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    There was a big thick one right over my roof on Sunday afternoon.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    It's like it's spewing from his mic and brain


    Rapp hands?

  • There was a big thick one right over my roof on Sunday afternoon.

    did the one Barry Osama happen to be on a campaign stop in TX??

    think about it.

  • rascmonrascmon 441 Posts
    people don't really believe this do they

  • people don't really believe this do they

    someone please dig up the chemtrails thread and school the boy. it's serious. so serious.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    people don't really believe this do they

    What should people believe?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    while waiting for the rain to clear yesterday at school, i overheard some kids talking about chemtrails and how they are the cause for cancer and some other bullshit. then i heard something about alien abductions. i immediately thought of yung harvey.

  • rascmonrascmon 441 Posts
    people don't really believe this do they

    What should people believe?

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    then i heard something about alien abductions



  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,917 Posts

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    people don't really believe this do they

    What should people believe?

    Love the soundtrack!

  • "Jus....throw ya hands in the air...if you like to breathe clean air..."

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,917 Posts
    people don't really believe this do they

    What should people believe?

    Love the soundtrack!

    Yes, the soundtrack and arrows added to the "chemical proof". I've yet to see anyone provide any real chemical proof or evidence to support it. What to those guys at NASA know about water vapor and atmospheric conditions anyway? They must be part of the government conspiracy to cover the chemtrails up.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    ok but check it out,

    the government can secretly invent amazingly sophisticated chemicals that control the minds of millions of hapless civilians.........

    but they cant figure out how not to make really huge and obvious and white?

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    ok but check it out,

    the government can secretly invent amazingly sophisticated chemicals that control the minds of millions of hapless civilians.........

    but they cant figure out how not to make really huge and obvious and white?

    this is the exact way they want you to think!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    ok but check it out,

    the government can secretly invent amazingly sophisticated chemicals that control the minds of millions of hapless civilians.........

    but they cant figure out how not to make really huge and obvious and white?

    Flouride is OBVIOUSLY in tap water.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    ok but check it out,

    the government can secretly invent amazingly sophisticated chemicals that control the minds of millions of hapless civilians.........

    but they cant figure out how not to make really huge and obvious and white?

    Flouride is OBVIOUSLY in tap water.

    I agree with Harvey on this one. Flouride is definitely in your tap water, and there is a significant body of evidence that it is detrimental to your health when ingested. I won't vouch for the entirety of this website as I haven't read it all, nor can I say definitively that the science presented is completely sound, but this sums up the case against fluoride rather well.

    Of course, I don't think that has anything to do with contrails, but dude has a point about fluoride.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    ok but check it out,

    the government can secretly invent amazingly sophisticated chemicals that control the minds of millions of hapless civilians.........

    but they cant figure out how not to make really huge and obvious and white?

    this is the exact way they want you to think!

    Like all conspiracy theories this one ignores the clear danger and focuses on a phantom. There is plenty of evidence that jets are major polluters who poison the air and change weather.

    Besides obviously burning huge quantities of fossil fuels they also routinely dump unburned fuel which is highly toxic and disipates into the atmosphere. The "harmless" water vapor makes our skies significantly less clear. After 9/11 when commercial flight was halted for a few days this was very clear and gave atmospheric scientist their first chance to study the difference. And on and on. But instead of being concerned about any of those real problems CT nuts chase after things that are not there. Then if I were to go to a local meeting on airport safety (and I live very close to our airport) and raise the issue of fuel dumping, people will laugh at me and say chemtrails are not real. Thank you Harvey.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    ok but check it out,

    the government can secretly invent amazingly sophisticated chemicals that control the minds of millions of hapless civilians.........

    but they cant figure out how not to make really huge and obvious and white?

    this is the exact way they want you to think!

    Like all conspiracy theories this one ignores the clear danger and focuses on a phantom. There is plenty of evidence that jets are major polluters who poison the air and change weather.

    Besides obviously burning huge quantities of fossil fuels they also routinely dump unburned fuel which is highly toxic and disipates into the atmosphere. The "harmless" water vapor makes our skies significantly less clear. After 9/11 when commercial flight was halted for a few days this was very clear and gave atmospheric scientist their first chance to study the difference. And on and on. But instead of being concerned about any of those real problems CT nuts chase after things that are not there. Then if I were to go to a local meeting on airport safety (and I live very close to our airport) and raise the issue of fuel dumping, people will laugh at me and say chemtrails are not real. Thank you Harvey.

    And if I tell you that the CIA is outright murdering people in Haiti, you will tell me some shit about environmental pollution in Haiti that's 1. an easier evil for you to accept and feel like you can do something about and 2. just where your own personal focus happens to reside.

    But yeah, calling people "nuts" is such the way to bring everyone together on a given issue.

  • salviasalvia 279 Posts
    ok but check it out,

    the government can secretly invent amazingly sophisticated chemicals that control the minds of millions of hapless civilians.........

    but they cant figure out how not to make really huge and obvious and white?

    Flouride is OBVIOUSLY in tap water.

    I agree with Harvey on this one. Flouride is definitely in your tap water, and there is a significant body of evidence that it is detrimental to your health when ingested. I won't vouch for the entirety of this website as I haven't read it all, nor can I say definitively that the science presented is completely sound, but this sums up the case against fluoride rather well.

    Of course, I don't think that has anything to do with contrails, but dude has a point about fluoride.

    That's fucked up that it's still in your tap water. It was outlawed in the 70's here in the Netherlands.

  • Of course, I don't think that has anything to do with contrails, but dude has a point about fluoride.

    he does? and what is that point exactly? this thread is about the insane conspiracy theory that posits that airplanes flying above us are acutally unmarked gov't chemical emitters designed to kill us.

    on the other hand the gov't makes no secret about flouride in our water. it's acknowledged that flouride is added to tap water by many municipalities to reduce tooth decay. no one denies this. you think it's harmful? okay, well I think it's harmful that we allow cows to be pumped with hormones and then the gov't subsidizes the mechanized milking of these cows so that we can drink the milk.

    the gov't legalizes/subsidizes/promotes lots of shit that many people believe is harmful to our health.

    in contrast the idea that US ogv't-designed aircrafts are criss-crossing the sky spraying deadly poison on us is lunacy.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Ironically post-Katrina New Orleans stopped treating their tap water with flouride and the American Dental Assoc. recommends that people there use toothpaste with flouride......they are obviously part of the conspiracy.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    Of course, I don't think that has anything to do with contrails, but dude has a point about fluoride.

    he does? and what is that point exactly?

    in contrast the idea that US ogv't-designed aircrafts are criss-crossing the sky spraying deadly poison on us is lunacy.

    The point I was referring to is that flouride is bad for you, and it is being put into the water supply. As used by Harvey in this instance, it was a rhetorical red herring, but on its own merits, it's a valid point, I think.

    And of course the chemtrail thing is lunacy. I was one of the first and most outspoken critics of Harvey's chemtrail theory. I believe he even intimated that my heart may be partially???if not wholly???composed of Milk Duds. Or perhaps it is one giant Milk Dud (not sure about that part, as he refused to elaborate). Or was it a giant Milk Dud that somehow pumped Kool Aid? Who knows. The snack food metaphors are beyond me.

  • salviasalvia 279 Posts
    it's acknowledged that flouride is added to tap water by many municipalities to reduce tooth decay.

    Why not put soap in tap water to reduce B.O.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Ironically post-Katrina New Orleans stopped treating their tap water with flouride and the American Dental Assoc. recommends that people there use toothpaste with flouride......they are obviously part of the conspiracy.

    Flouride works to strengthen teeth when it is applied to the surface of the teeth. When ingested and metabolized, it has a host of other effects, most of which are detrimental. I encourage you to check out the link I posted. Food for thought.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    it's acknowledged that flouride is added to tap water by many municipalities to reduce tooth decay.

    Why not put soap in tap water to reduce B.O.

    Let's at least do a study
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