352 Posts
"Dirty Drums (make sure your sound is on!) Presented by MRR-ADM ??? a new group on Now-Again feat. Malcolm Catto on drums sometimes. More info to come..."- http://www.stonesthrow.com/nowagain/dirtydrums (press the letter keys on your keyboard)
MRR-ADM = MHE [Sound in Color]
I know gas lamp is part of the click but i've never been able to find much info on what MHE actually is.
Try these really fast.
ddkiidki repeat
kfffkfj repeat
vvvikvijvvvikvijvvv repeat
- spidey
how does the page know that it is highlighted? in other words, that window is still open, but I'm typing and it isn't making sound... tech heads please explain.
It's a flash keyboard based thing. It'll only play while you're on the page.
- spidey
hehe is this the new standard of beat programming transcription?
Bustah - Touch it
fffyfy (x4)
(dn) (dn) (dn) (yi) (dn) (yi) (x4)
wrap your head around that one.
- spidey
If i had more free time it'd be ON!
- spidey
If I'm correct it's core is really just 2 people these days but they get a great amount of help from friends including Egon, Macolm Catto, and yes Gaslamp Killer among many others.
The site is Flash based. The concept and graphics was MHE and the actual website work and actionscript coding was done by a friend from rickjamescreative.com. I then helped them out a bit with some very basic CSS work and other random tweaking to improve the graphics and make the sounds louder etc.. It is my fault that it takes so long to load. I'm sorry for that. The site is a work in progress and I have seen the direction it's going and it looks good. There will soon be a merchandise page and if all goes well maybe even multiple drum kits/banks.
I'll pass along the word that you are all enjoying it.