mpc2000 problems, please help

Guantanamo_JonesGuantanamo_Jones 177 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
I am having problems loading my zip disks through scsi. when I turn the 2000 on and I try to scroll through scsi channels to load my beats it just says "waiting...." and I can't get it out of that state. i am using the newest os, 1.72 i beleive... anyone got any knowledge on whats going on here?


  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    blown scsi fuse
    bad zip

    or the click of death[google it]
    bad scsi cable

  • yeah, could be a bad zip disk or a bad drive. Does the zip drive do anything once you scroll to channel 5? If it starts and the zip gets moving then it's probably drive or disk that is stalling. If you get absolutely no connection between the mpc and the drive then maybe the fuse. I would see if you can hook up someone else's zip drive and test the scsi connection. If it works then you can just assume it's a bad drive or bad disk.

  • i have used multiple zipdisk drives and multiple cords. I am starting to believe that it may be the fuse, does anyone know of any way to fix that with out it costing hundreds of dollars to do so.
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