Recurring Dreams

Mad Drama TeacherMad Drama Teacher 1,985 Posts
edited January 2008 in Strut Central
Last night I dreamt about walking through a giant mall. The stores went on for an area equal to city blocks. The windows were nonexistent, the displays cluttered the aisles, there were scads of clothing in one store and floor after floor of sports goods in another. When I looked outside, the mall seemed to snake all over.This is the only recurring dream I have.Last time I was in a skyscraper mall -- think of a gathering area in any mall thats surrounded by stores, and add an endless amount stories. I was constantly switching elevators looking for someone.Another time I was in a mall that felt like the belly of an aircraft carrier that never ended.I never buy anything in these dreams.I have no idea what my mind is trying to unpack with these dreams.What is or are your recurring dreams?


  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    Dreams are funny aren't they? Sometimes we dream about things that are bothering us in our daily life. Sometimes it helps us come to terms with the banality of our own existence.

  • Sometimes we dream about things that are bothering us in our daily life.

    Yeah, I had recently went to the local mall looking for some books but they didn't have them. Maybe that was the source.

    SC, what's your recurring dream?

  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    Iv'e got this weird dream that im in a chip and dale bar and im having a fabulous time, but I dont want anybody to know that im in there. We are all dancing and laughing, and suddenly everyone starts turning into Delicious bananas. What do you think that could mean?

    Im not somebody who remembers his dreams all that often. I have the classic just-falling-asleep falling dream though. Then a dream ive had twice, not exactly reccuring, where im trying to get in contact with some girl im in love with, but an earth quake is keeping us apart. I've actually had a mall dream, a nightmare actually. I was in a dreadful mall in the valley, everything as brown and earthtone. It turned out the mall was just a cover for some hospital that I was being admitted to. I was trying to escape and my parents and some wicked nurses were holding me down and injecting me. And we were all eating lots of bananas.

  • HAHA!

    I searched online to find out what the mall dream is supposed to mean. Evidently, the underground malls are supposed to signify abduction.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    Wow, you have unexciting dreams.

  • I know. It's sad.

    I rarely ever have dreams.
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