Storing heat in the heat (Record warping related)

SnuffdaddySnuffdaddy 44 Posts
edited October 2015 in Strut Central
Okay i???m after some knowledge from those who might???ve been collecting longer than me and can speak from their experience.We???ve hit summer again and i???m fearing that a lot of my record???s covers have warped, not the wax. I keep my collection upstairs which the whole room absorbs a lot of the heat. (similarly in winter it???s the coldest fuckin??? place in the house) In the middle of the day when it might reach up to 40??C (105f for the non-metric heads), I???m guessing its pretty similar inside. Then by night the whole place cools down to maybe 18??/65f. I might try to get a photo of the damage I???m talking about to give an idea, but does this sound like an overly harsh environment for a record collection to reside? Or nothing really to worry about?I did a bit of research and apparently its ideal to store records at approx. 21??C and not let the temperature fluctuate more than 2?? either way in a 24 hour period, but fuck that it just ain???t possible.Any opinions appreciated!@


  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    My record room gets to 43 deg Celsius in the summer (today for example), doesn't seem to have much effect, but then my LPs are jammed in their shelves pretty tight.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,848 Posts
    but then my LPs are jammed in their shelves pretty tight

    That's the key. Make them insulate themselves from temperature fluctuations.

  • but then my LPs are jammed in their shelves pretty tight

    That's the key. Make them insulate themselves from temperature fluctuations.

    Agreed, mind are jammed in pretty tight and I don't really have any problems.

    My real problem is how to sleep when it's 42C/107F outside and hotter than that inside my upstairs sauna of a bedroom (i.e. today)


  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I heard Melbourne has been fire lately, uncomfortable.

  • Yeah it's been nasty man, 41 today, 40 tomorrow. New years was just as bad, few 40+ days in a row, overnight lows of 30+.

    These has even been a few spots where the road has melted, just straight up turned into liquid and run off the road.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    Keep them away from exterior walls and near interior walls.

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts

    We???ve hit summer again and i???m fearing that a lot of my record???s covers have warped, not the wax.

    Does it get very humid as well? I would think that paper warping would have something to do with moisture as well as heat. If you don't want to pay for air conditioning to keep the temp down (understandable), you may want to consider a de-humidifier to at least keep the air dry.

  • My real problem is how to sleep when it's 42C/107F outside and hotter than that inside my upstairs sauna of a bedroom (i.e. today)


    It's rather sad when you look forward to getting back to the office and it's bountiful air conditioning...

  • i was in oz some time ago during summer and it was smokin
    really nice though
    remined me alot like portland in some ways( melbourne)
    hott damm the road melting is crazy .
    i wouldnt worry about the wax if you havent noticed any warps
    it has to get pretty steamy for records to melt
    i think records are more warp prone when laying flat not up next to one another.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Written on January 9:

    We???ve hit summer again


  • their summer is our winter
    jan and feb are ultra hot down under
    while up here we get rain and or snow

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    I would invest in a humidifier if the weather is dry over there cuz your covers will get f ed up. On the other hand if the weather over there is humid than forget about this completely.I use to live in Argentina and the weather over there is extremely humid so that moisture would get in the record sleeves and sooner or later you would get lik this small form of fungus on the sleeves/covers which would destroy them....In his case the only solution I had was to place packets of Silica Gel near my crates to absorb humidity....

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Keep them away from exterior walls and near interior walls.

    This is really good advice for summer and winter, especially if your house/apartment is poorly insulated.

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    I use to live in Argentina and the weather over there is extremely humid so that moisture would get in the record sleeves and sooner or later you would get lik this small form of fungus on the sleeves/covers which would destroy them....In his case the only solution I had was to place packets of Silica Gel near my crates to absorb humidity....

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    I use to live in Argentina and the weather over there is extremely humid so that moisture would get in the record sleeves and sooner or later you would get lik this small form of fungus on the sleeves/covers which would destroy them....In his case the only solution I had was to place packets of Silica Gel near my crates to absorb humidity....

    WTF ???!! are you on crack?

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Palito Ortega sucks ass
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