dudes im broke :(



  • ski mask way...

    get you and a couple of close friends, preferably ones that won't cold front on you, a couple blades (you don't wanna use a gun these days and get caught) and wait till RIGHT AFTER the downtown rush, like 6pm where there's still people from the financial district on the train. Use the 4-5-6 north towards woodlawn, pelahm, whatever...then do your best to make that money run. The key is north on those lines...if you take any other train towards BK, QU, whatever...you'll be headed into fuzz territory.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    Yo, on a serious tip, I'm sure Deej went to college. He should visit the HR dept of his school. They're always hiring people do all kinds of stuff, from lab assistants to office helpers. The pay is usually good because colleges are union shops & it looks good on your CV.
    problem is that my college is in the middle of nowhere

    i'm in chicago so its a little harder. i'm trying to decide between making a go w/ odd jobs + freelance angle or just getting a job asap, or somewhere in between ... i figure just apply the shotgun method and choose the best path that opens up for me.


    time to go fetch breihan some coffee

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    Post deleted by mylatency


    I do not want a copy of Pierre for my shop! If that's what you think is the deal, you have it way wrong. I don't have a shop for "market prestige" or whatever Jim-Kramer-mixed-with-Young-Jeezy daily affirmation you say to yourself in the mirror every morning! lol... I have it for the records that walk in off the street and the customers that come to cop every week.

    If you want some pointers on dealing quantity I am totally game. But we should take it to PM son! and you will have to compensate me with copies of PIERRE YOU LIED! THE GAME IS TO BE SOLD NOT TOLD!!!

    On the real though I am only giving you a hard time on the internets because you made such a big fuss about your deal! It's all for the lulz hommie!

    GET THAT YAPER!! xoxoxo

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Yo, on a serious tip, I'm sure Deej went to college. He should visit the HR dept of his school. They're always hiring people do all kinds of stuff, from lab assistants to office helpers. The pay is usually good because colleges are union shops & it looks good on your CV.
    problem is that my college is in the middle of nowhere

    i'm in chicago so its a little harder. i'm trying to decide between making a go w/ odd jobs + freelance angle or just getting a job asap, or somewhere in between ... i figure just apply the shotgun method and choose the best path that opens up for me.


    time to go fetch breihan some coffee

    There must be some big-ass schools in the Chicago area. The bigger the school, the greater the need & these places are always hiring. A campus is like a small city & it takes an army to run the place.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    There must be some big-ass schools in the Chicago area. The bigger the school, the greater the need & these places are always hiring. A campus is like a small city & it takes an army to run the place.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    We might argue but Deej got a lot more to offer than most poasters on this site. I'm not a kick-a-guy-when-he's-down kind of dude.

    lulz @ mylatency and his jeezy quotes

    I straight up baited you in to that one. Saw it coming a mile away, and you just had to post up the Pierre jpg again for your own shits and giggles. Hey, you know what, I'll send you a nice photo of the record so you can post it more frequently. Tell 'em I got it $99+shipping, holla. If you want a few for your store, holla.

    And yo, I still don't understand your definition of "fuked up the money," JP. Oh yeah I MIGHT HAVE devalued it from a possibly $150 LP to $99! Whoah I totally fuked it up! Dude, last I checked, serious collectors are gonna keep on paying for it, ain't no thing to them. So yeah, you can chase me all over both boards and point out how dumb you think I am and that it's "too bad, mylatency officially fuked up the money, dun!" PLEASE.

    For all it's worth, what's the difference (other than global, fair market exposure) between setting a price and selling it on the 'bay vs opening up a set sale list on an international messageboard or a nice physical store and catering to foreign buyers' demand with high quality supply. Yeah, it's not so secret anymore, oh no. Gotta hoard the high quality clientele and make them pay an extra $50! Please, I'm Sorry I don't have the time or inclination to open up a record store or dedicate myself to some weekly set sales on soulsource when the market is so soft. Supply and demand son, no money was fuked up in the process. Everyone got paid, trust me.

    From where I'm sitting, the only money I fuked up was that of the poor dude with a VG scuffy copy that thought he had an $110 LP.

    The world's modern/boogie/disco collectors are real happy and I'm happy to send them a raer. I don't see any money fuked up over the profits, but I digress.

    Wow, I can't believe you made me late to go peep out a collection, bye.

    Top poast!

    I am not sure whether to add or deduct points for the excessive use of "son" and the exhortations to "holla" at you.

    While something is lost in the way of clarity it would be disingenuous to pretend that so much else isn't gained in comedy.

  • WoimsahWoimsah 1,734 Posts
    straight up dude....in the meantime - look for items you can sell on the bay. shit's taken me a long way in the times that loots was rough. when it comes down to it - I like to not maintain too many possessions after what a friend put very simply to me - "every thing that goes into your home, must come out." shit sucks and you don't realize how true it is until you gots to move. So - start slanging wax, start slanging whatevs. there's not one person on here who only has records they listen to constantly - there's shit they got collecting dust that they feel "cool" owning (trust me - I'm one of em). Just take a step back and reevaluate your possessions - you'll see how much shit there is that you have absolutely no use for that really just acts as clutter.

  • enroll in some focus groups.
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