Quite An Influx of Whiny Newbs This Month
5,199 Posts
who are you people?what happened to introduction poasts?
An introduction poast is where you tell
everyone how lame they are and that you had
been told about/invited to/lurking on Soul Strut
and can't believe how un-cool the place really is.
well they start off okay, then they dont quite get the responses they hoped for, and thats when things get ugly.
The new jacks need to take a page from "The Book of Elise"...
She came and wrecked it from the get go!
Ya'll are a bunch of sissies!
i get so scared when nerds talk tuff...
But she was a new Jill. These dudes will need vaginas--their own vaginas--if they hope to match Elise.
Go back the-breaks forum son, seems more your speed.
Anyway its Christmas Batches!!
just cuz the titty-grab pic is still your wallpaper...
Yeah so, it makes my life a bit less lonely.
see, no one said a post count mattered. sbone brought that stat to the tsble.
merry xmaaaaassssss!!!!
yeah, mines taken, getcho own.
That's the spirit (of new Strut heads, that is)