What kind of Computer Do You Have?

RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
edited December 2007 in Strut Central
Me?Mac17" MacBook Pro17" G4 Powerbook13" Black MacBook21" iMacPC:Dell Dimension 4100 DesktopDell Dimension 2400 Desktop


  • Pass me down Dell Dimension 4300 and a Toshiba laptop.

  • Two Dell desktops, one (eight years old) dedicated to digitizing vinyl, one (three years old) word processing, scanning etc, and a Gateway laptop that I use mainly for the blog, creating podcasts etc.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts

    I got the new base model iMac, but I still rip vinyl with an old iMac DV. I also have an iBook G4 that has some issues (won't start).

  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts
    12" Powerbook
    17" iMac swivel screen

  • TRS-80
    Commodore VIC-20

  • Mac Mini G4 w/17" flat panel screen & new apple keyboard..the thin one.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Power Mac G5 Tower
    Macbook Pro 15" laptop
    Dell Latitude D610 laptop(Is this enough computer to run S-rato from? I don't use it otherwise)

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    Commodore VIC-20

    Dude. Might I suggest you upgrading to a C64 or 128???

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    Two G3 iMacs.
    One with OS 9, one with OS X.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    Gateway laptop. The left touchpad button is jacked up after half a year's use.

  • DJCireDJCire 729 Posts
    1 - Sony Laptop - everyday kinda stuff (internet, email, etc.)
    1 - Dell pc (music/photo)

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    13" Black MacBook
    Gateway 510s Desktop

  • 15" MacBook Pro

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    15" Powerbook G4, about two years old now. It does the simple things I ask it to do and doesn't crash, which right now is all I need.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    I got a booty-ass Sony Vaio laptop at home that's crazy old. Like USB 1.1 and shit.

    Here at work they just got me a white MacBook, and I gotta say i'm loving this Mac shit. If the papes come, I think I'll be making the switch.

    Are all you music producers, who use computers/software that is, using Mac or PC's?

  • Dell Inspiron 1150 that my pops got/stole from his former place of employment 2 years ago.

  • 12" powerbook
    15" g4 ibook
    brand new freshly built pc desktop.

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,419 Posts
    home-built desktop computer

    dell inspiron laptop...a few years old, 50gb HD and 512mb RAM

    then countless 80's computers in my collection at home. and the handful of 90's laptops i found in the trash this past spring....haha

  • 1.42 GHz Dual Powermac G4 Firewire 800 for Pro Tools 7.4
    2 GHz Intel Core Duo MacBook Black for everything else.

  • built my own

  • Computer 1 (For internet,downloading browsing etc)
    PC 2.4ghz 1gb pc133 ram . Does the job though.

    Computer 2 (for Creative shit,making music ,photoshop ,video)
    PC Core 2 Duo 3.0ghz 4gb DDR2 Ram Raid HDD's

    I have the 2 computers networked but computer 2 never goes on the net. Both assembled cheaply by a friend. Compputer one is 6yrs old

  • MondeyanoMondeyano Reykjavik 863 Posts
    A 3 year old Dell Latitude D505 PC laptop.

    The next real-world computer move will be a MacBook Pro and Logic Studio.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    MacBook Pro
    and a couple of old shitty ones

    Something I put together just after Core 2 Duo came out.

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    laptop: HP dv9000

    desktop: Homebuilt about 4 years ago and is now gutted into a pile of hard drives I hook up to the laptop.

  • compaq sr1000v desktop

    dell d600 laptop that doesn't cook pizza pockets

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I'm rocking:

    -Home Office: Sony VAIO Desktop.
    -School Office: Dell Desktop.
    -Working on-the-go: Dell Laptop.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • Me?


    17" MacBook Pro
    17" G4 Powerbook
    13" Black MacBook
    21" iMac


    Dell Dimension 4100 Desktop
    Dell Dimension 2400 Desktop

    laptop - 2ghz core duo, 2 gigs ram, 80 gig hd - windows xp
    desktop - core duo something, 4 gigsram, gutsy gibbon, 120 gig hd

  • 12" Powerbook G4 [1.33 GHz, 1.25 GB RAM, 93 GB HD]

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    home built Core 2 Duo, 2gig ram, 200 gig hd

  • parenparen 537 Posts
    2.33 GHz 17" C2D Macbook Pro
    1.5 GHz 15" G4 Powerbook
    external hard drives 4eva.
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