Electric shavers that work

I had Braun about 8 years ago that worked pretty well. Then I switched to blades. I also used to shave 1-2 X week. Now I have to shave urry day. I need something that'll DO IT CLEAN and quick. I should also note that I have middle eastern genes.
Be a man and use a real razor. None of that candy ass electric bullshit. Those things don't work.
The last one I had (one with a single sideways foil) just used to leave my face red-raw and you'd spend another 10 mins working out what bits it/you missed. This was over 10 years ago. Realbeardz please to drop knowledge if the game has moved on to such an extent that there is a silent eleccy thing that actually cuts the hair rather than sands your face.
I have a fairly tough quick growing beard and I have found nothing to beat Noxema Menthol foam and a fresh Mach 3.
Yeah, they work if you have peach fuzz. Not for the rest of us, real Italians know the deal.
Try one of these,
just got one of these
wouldnt have thought the fourth blade would make a difference, but I like it
gotta shave about every 3 days to stay fresh and clean
I definitely would like something that I can have at work, on the fly or whatever.
Time is the issue. I usually shave with foam/cup/mach3 set up in the shower, but my AM shower time has been cut to less than 5mins. People with kids understand.
Those newer Brauns look good, but I ain't trying to blow $300 on it.
Sadly in my experience I have yet to find an electric razor that can give the kind of close finish offered by a wet shave. Due to getting up late for work every day I was forced to master the five minute wet shave technique - in fact a lot of these new fangled shavers are so flexible that you can be pretty rushed and still not slice up your face.
Nice machine, cleans itsself. works great. Of course I have to go over some spots with a blade to make it a clean cut.
Love it for work though. Just power it up. Shave. shower. no shaving cream bullshit or all that other stuff.
Nice Aftershave after showering or before depending on the routine of the day.
Plenty of info about 'lectric shavers here: Electric Razor Rap
i got super into shaving a couple of months back and have since tried everything except the fancy new electrics. if you have a sensitive face the new Fusion is, which is blasphemous for me to say, not all that bad. slightly better than a quattro but way more expensive per cartridge.
rank is as follows
1. carbon-steel straight razor, properly honed and stropped (slow)
2. stainless straight razor (same)
3. disposable blade straight razor (e.g. Dovo Shavette, [Feather Artist's Club (most dangeroustestest of razors; not for the faint of heart)]
4. double edge merkur or old-school gillette adjustable razor
5. fusion (best cartridge razor for closeness/irritation ratio)
6. quattro
I use a quattro or fusion about 3 times a week and use a straight razor the rest of the time. Takes ten-fifteen minutes with a straight with the shaving brush and soap and all that but oh so much better than a fusion or anything else. Plus the fancy smelly british shaving creams make me feel all warm inside
at the risk of calling myself out as the biggest nerd ever peep out:
what do y'all think?
oh i hear you. but alas i'm yet to find an electric that satisfies my needs - i either have to 'sandpaper' my face with it or put up with a patchy shave.
wet shave = winner every time.
If you can grow a real beard, electric shavers will come up short.
Had to use a straight razor for six months at one point good while back - never again. Very tough to get a good, even shave with one unless someone else is doing it for you or you have a ridiculous amount of time every morning. Regarding nice British products, been using Trumper for almost 20 years - best shaving cream and brushes around. Nice razors too.