MP3 REQ: DJ Black Steel - Wild Style Breakbeats

Who's got DJ Black Steel - The Original Wild Style Breakbeat Album?That shit is fiirrreeeee. I might break down and make the purchase up on *cough* iTunes *cough* if none of you fine gentleman (and ladies) got it in your digital expedit stacks.Hook a kid up! I'll try and slide you something dope in return.
There has been an official LP release (dunno about CD) available for years from Mr. Bongo I think... Labcabin has it. Wild Style Instrumentals. They also did the dbl LP version of the regular soundtrack around the same time w/the performances from the movie.
I know which one you are talking about.. but I don't have mp3's. When I saw this I thought it was definitely a bootleg. It might be better than the Mr. Bongo one though as the Mr. Bongo instrumentals are all about 60 seconds long yet the record still costs ~$15. This one appeared to have 3-4 minute instros and maybe more tracks on it too. I can't even look at it on itunes cuz I don't have itunes installed.