Kanye breaks down crying during a show



  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    wow....people use R.I.P. all the time, but do they really know what it means?

    My heart is out to him, and my heart dropped when I heard the news because I know how much she meant to him.

    I don't understand why people make this about them or how they feel...please drop it and show some respect.

    My love, my POSITIVE thoughts go out to the West Family. This is sincerely sad, and I wish him the best...

    Cos, whats that diamonds quote you say? It's so perfect...especially in my personal life right now. I should remember it, but head hasn't been here lately cause of some shit.

    I didnt mean to imply that this has anything to do with me or my feelings. I was just heated.

    Obviously i feel terribly for the dude. The clip of him at the concert choked me up. Had to go call my mom.

    I mean i think hes pretty brave even going out there. I can tell you if my mom died, i would be pretty much lost in the world.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    totally. I wasnt pointing at anyone specific, and I don't think there is anything wrong with expressing yourself. And if it touched you so much, there's always a good reason why...

    And I know you are going thru quitting smoking...it's alright dude

    But what am I thinking??? This is a fruuucking messageboard.

    There is good in everything.

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,413 Posts
    I kind of felt like a jerk watching that.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    I could imagine his popularity only increasing as a result of footage like this. It doesn't get any more realer than this....talk about an artist putting everything on the line....much respect.

  • I kind of felt like a jerk watching that.

    I like Kanye but I just can't find myself watching this. These things hit a nerve and I just don't feel I should be privy to something that personal.

    But these type of things are cathartic and speaking from experience, when you loose someone close you tend to do things that may seem "Crazy" to others.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    dear gnat/bsides/brian

    you are all a bunch of bloody twats
    i never said one bad word about dudes mom
    nor did i watch the video
    because that is some teen beat 16 tiger little girl shit
    Frickin' toys whine like the brady girls

    douchebag brian started this shit-fuck him
    i am allowed to make a point about
    how if dude wasn't rich and flush with cash from bein a famous MC/PRODUCER most likely his mom wouldn't have had the money for the operation and she would still be alive

    truth hurts


    as for brian
    dude has a fist up his ass since day one
    he's a dour sad dark lonely dork who is never happy

    then all of you fuckers on cue chime in
    "ban him,"you're disrespectful" etc
    mr goodytwofucking shoes
    are you the president of the kanye fan club?

    find a new hobby

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    you dumb muthafuckah
    dude's mom was a state college professor. she could have paid for her own surgery and if not the thowed state worker insurance will cover it. breast reduction surgery in most cases aint exactly voluntary. of course if you knew about any of this, you would actually have a clue about what you were talking about.

    regardless of all this shit, if you wanna start a donda west death reasons thread, go right ahead. otherwise fall the fuck the back and stop being a disrespectful fuck.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    you dumb muthafuckah
    dude's mom was a state college professor. she could have paid for her own surgery and if not the thowed state worker insurance will cover it. breast reduction surgery in most cases aint exactly voluntary. of course if you knew about any of this, you would actually have a clue about what you were talking about.

    regardless of all this shit, if you wanna start a donda west death reasons thread, go right ahead. otherwise fall the fuck the back and stop being a disrespectful fuck.

    wrong again asshole
    get your facts straight

    the cause of West's death is still unknown, and a spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Coroner's office announced this week that it may be up to six weeks before it is determined through toxicology tests. West passed away on Saturday following possible complications from an unspecified surgery on Friday. A plastic surgeon with a troubled past, Dr. Jan Adams, has said he performed an abdominoplasty (commonly referred to as a "tummy tuck") and breast reduction on West, but denied that her death was the result of negligence on his part.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    what does that have to do with anything i said or your initial "point"? are you really this dumb or are you just persistent to try to prove your grasping for straws points in some shit that don't really need anyone trying to make their brilliant observations?

    seriously, how would you feel if your moms died and someone started talking about how "well if kala wasn't such a douchebag on soulstrut, she wouldn't have died." it's the same shit.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

    you come across like an unsympathetic fuckstick and you'll never get my respect on here.

    death isn't something to poke fun of, regardless of if you know the person, despise the person, or whatever. it's serious stuff that i wouldn't wish on anyone, or for anyone to go through, especially with their parents.

    kanye or not, it's a pretty touching moment and muchos respect to Kanye for tryin' to go through with his show as planned, it would have been easy for him to cut that song from his set, but he didn't.

    fuck off.

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