Davis, California
3,400 Posts
I never do this, and I know it's becoming the new price check on the Strut, but I know zilch about Davis and am going to be up there on Saturday for a radio conference. Are there any record stores/spots worth my time in cow town? I'll use the phone book if I have to, but any recommendations are greatly appreciated.I'd make it up to Sacto to peep the new K-Street location at the old Tower building, but I don't think I'll have the time. Anyone been yet? From the pictures the old spot is officially done for. RIP, I loved that place.
I used to spend hour after hour after hour in the basement for a whole summer...good fun...
we actually found the "fossilized" bat...(the smell, mold, etc. down there was pretty abhorrible)...found some great records though!
yep. but there are always a gang of Davis garage sales on wknds.
damn I miss that lil town sometimes....
I actually spent a lot of weekends up in Davis when I was real young visiting my cousin, but haven't been since I was 13 or so. I do remember it being a really friendly town that was perfectly flat to bike around.