Big shouts to Avi Shack, this shit is TUFF! Easily the best halloween mix I've heard thus far... Jackson Vincent Price IntroACDC- Hells BellsAutomator- Music to Be Murdered ByGregory D and Mannie Fresh- FreddieRun DMC- GhostbustersKrushin MCs- Nightmare on My StreetAlfred Hitchcock Presents ThemeOutkast Draculas WeddingWhodini- Freaks Come Out At NightETs BoogieNWA- Panic ZoneDevils- ExcorcistVampiresJimmy Castor- DraculaFat Boys- Are You Ready For FreddieJazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince- Nightmare on My StreetCommodore 64- GhostbustersGoblin- SusperiaJohn Carpenters HalloweenMC ADE- How Much Can You TakeMC ADE- NightmareEdgar Winter- Frankenstein 1984Kid Koala- Tricks and TreatsWu Tang Clan- Hollow BonesMobb Deep- Quiet StormLucifer- Black MassWhodini- Hauted house of Rock - Vocoder VersionMunstersGregory D and Mannie Fresh- Monster BoogieImperial AttackLuke Confronts DarthMichael Jackson- ThrillerRockwell- Somebodys Watchin MeDr Jekyl and Mr Hyde- TransformationKartoon Krew- Inspector GadgetHenry Mancini- Pink Panther ThemeAdams FamilyDevil McDoom- Cafone GoingRJD2- The HorrorWendy Carlos- Rocky Mountains (the shining)Gravediggaz- Mommy Whats a Gravedigga remixGravediggaz- Diary of a MadmanJames BondMission ImpossibleBatmanEnter the DragonStreets of San FranciscoSWATPsycho
Crates are DEEP.

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