Mr. Casual
953 Posts
What kind do your recommend?... I want one for if I ever do go digging again also for the living room...Is there one that can provide compactability and still have some what good quality sound?..
Columbia for headphone sonic maximumization, battery life and all-around ruggedness.
AlGarth showed me some Panasonic portables in the San Diego Record Show Thread that are
I second this - I bought my GP-3 in '91, maybe '92, and the same batteries I started with just died on me a few days ago!! It's been shoved, dropped, and kicked (but not dropkicked) and held up fine so far.
mine worked for about a year and now i get no sound. its spins and all that, just no sound....
where would one purchase.. I looked on ebay and nothing...
This was asked awhile back and no one could get an answer other than that apparently they are still sold in Japan.
I got mine on a lucky $35 eBay buy-it-now.