Headphones Fetish...

Funky_MimizuFunky_Mimizu 631 Posts
edited June 2005 in Strut Central
Girls wearing headphones fetish... Anyone else swing this way? I know I do...

Just found this on milkandcookies, thought someone might be interested...

This site is amazing.



  • What the fuck...

    News, 14 July 2004
    The issue of pictures of children appearing on this site has been quite a hot one of late. The burning question is whether pictures of fully-clothed kids wearing headphones (for example during a hearing test) can be seen as kiddie pr0n. My personal feeling is that while there is technically nothing sexual about the images themselves, the nature of our phetish can make these pictures arousing. And I think associating children with sexual arousal can only be a negative thing in the long run. So if you do choose to submit pictures like this, please give a warning that 'questionable' pictures are present. Thanks!

  • Ok...


    I didn't see that, and I'm at work (which is why I posted that weird pic, instead of a scantily clad dj girl), so I barely skimmed the site.

    I like girls in headphones as much as the next wierdo DJ, but people getting off on kids with headphones... that's just sick.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Girls wearing headphones fetish... Anyone else swing this way? I know I do...

    Just found this on milkandcookies, thought someone might be interested...

    This site is amazing.



  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts


    I didn't see that, and I'm at work (which is why I posted that weird pic, instead of a scantily clad dj girl), so I barely skimmed the site.

    I like girls in headphones as much as the next wierdo DJ, but people getting off on kids with headphones... that's just sick.

    Don't try to back pedal out of it, you've been snapped (freak).

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts

  • oh yeah just like that

  • ayresayres 1,452 Posts
    "female DJs (or 'DJanes')"

  • Yeah... The pic was a joke. I clicked a couple pages, and found the strangest pic I could find. It was a toss up between that pic and the baby monitor headphones pic.

    However, I didn't see that news that Ovulationist posted, because I checked the site for aproximately 1 minute before jumping the gun with a post.

    Milkandcookies.com usually makes me feel pretty safe, as I've never seen anything questionable posted on their site.

    Mos definitely...

  • "female DJs (or 'DJanes')"

    What's a "DJanes"?

    *edit* Nevermind, I get it... Flew over my head...

  • howcome people dont have the stars anymore with their screename?
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