We need a Black Pope

Francis Arinze (Nigeria, born 11/1/32). Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship. Cardinal Arinze is at the top of most Vatican-watchers' short list, and the prospect of a "black Pope" has captivated the media. Arinze was born into the Ibo tribe of Nigeria -- his father was a chief -- and converted to Catholicism at age nine. Arinze became a priest when he was 26, and an archbishop at 34. Arinze's strengths include his experience with Protestants and other religions. Protestants and Catholics share much of southern Nigeria, allowing him to hone his ecumenism; in the north of the country, Arinze has developed a good relationship with the Muslim majority. With this background, Pope John Paul II called him to Rome to oversee the Vatican's inter-religious dialogue (with Muslims, Buddhists, etc).
Next pope will most likely be an Italian.
Yes we do. Fuck another guido.
Phill's right, though--it's not gonna happen regardless.
Personally, I want to see a Pope that uses the Catholic church's reach and influence to advocate/distribute birth control. No offense, but I have long felt that the Catholic church's stance on that issue is responsible for a large amount of the human suffering in the world.
Word is that the Vatican is not interested in having a Pope stick around so long.
I just stepped out there for a square and got unexpectedly moved. It's a somber scene.
A couple days back a friend was telling me about Arinze's talk at Georgetown, which had American Jesuit professors leaving and complaining about his appearance.
My (non)vote is on the Brazilian - but really - I'm predicting an Italian.
I am going to hell.
The pope can eat me. The end.
Something like all but 3 or 4 of the cardinals who'll be electing the next pope where appointed by John Paul II, so the odds of sweeping progression through the church are highly unlikely. It's looking like the next pope will have all of the conversativism and a sliver of the charisma of JPII. Unless there's some cardinals that are keeping their more liberal views on the downlow.
There will never be a Black pope. I quote my former pastor, Dr. George W. Goodman, of People's Baptist Church in Akron, OH who stated "There is no more racist time in the world than on Sunday morning."
Big Stacks from Kakalak
Bill Clinton is said to have been the first Black President on the U.S.
Whoever said that is wrong.
I think it was Toni Morrison
I don't think that's exactly what she said; the essay was called "Clinton as Black President" or something like that, and the basic idea was that there were elements of the way in which he was being persecuted that were familiar to black people.