King James Version - First Time We Met LP

I was reading this old post about the King James Version record "First Time We Met" and was still a little clueless as to why so much for this record: I know the record is big in Japan but is it really due to a sample? Does anybody know the name of the group or song that sampled it? I've never had one but it seems that ABC/Peacock tiles should not be that rare.MCF
I'd like a copy but I don't think the price equals the quality. I'm cool with the mp3's and a hope of finding it for $20 or less
The LP is nothing better then average....I checked my copy out thoroughly before letting it go, just in case I was missing anything.
Nope - just average....the $600 it made on ebay was astounding.
I've got a 45 or two from the LP. It's good, but not mind-blowing. If someone could post the LP, I'd appreciate it.
this is a black group on ABC/ Peacock from either '73 or '74.
The cover has a white border whith a picture of the group Afro's and all in the center. looks funky, and would probably grab your attention
My data base says I have had King James Version Jazz Feelings on Tell. I think that was a jazz trio from Santa Fe. I'm sure there is a White Xian KJV as well. Your right, I've been picking up gospel lps all my life and it sounds like something I would pick up.
Like this one. And this one.
Looks too good-bad to actually be good-bad.
What???s A Bossa Nove
Slippin??? Into Darkness
First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
Time and Place
Smokey Joe???s Caf??
Messy Pickle
Mother Freedom
Song For My Father
Have you heard it?
is this the result of poptart confusion?
The MP3s were posted over at Waxidermy awhile ago, but the link is dead now. I haven't heard it yet, but I'm pretty sure the zip file is on my computer at work. If so, I'll get it up for you tomorrow.
hey **ron,
hollr at Asaf if you want to know about the Japanese sample connection - pretty sure he told me the name of the group but I promptly forgot it.
I like the first track - nice & Mayfieldesque - smoove guitar driving it - reminds me of Sisters Love on Mowest.
Thanks a lot.
Can't get the link; Is that the Harry James & His Big Band LP? Yeah, I'd say so (featuring Les DeMerle!!!).
Thanks, will do.
Seen this many times. This is what I thought yall were talking about.
Audiophiles paying for the recording process while ignoring the music. Not rare not good. I never sell Shefields for that kind of money cause I don't want anything to do with 'philes.
Never seen it.
slippin into darkness and mother freedom is way too fonky.
and it is good-bad in a good-bad way. nice drumwork on almost all tracks.
Biggest condition snobs ever.
I think people would concentrate on the music a bit more if there weren't this slightly insane price attached to it. Like always, people's determination to proclaim themselves too cool for an overpriced or overhyped record wins out over the actual content of it.
or maybe people just don't think its all that good.
One mans treasure is another man's potential Ebay windfall
Sorry Johnny, I disagree with ya slightly, my friend.....yes it's a Gloster Williams LP and it's clear the fellow is talented, as well as blind. But I really don't see this LP as 'beautiful, uplifting soul' - it's fine, it's OK and it's soul - it's not poor by any stretch, but it's not what I would call great. Price tagger relaetd or whatever. 'Don't have time to worry' is probably my track of choice from the set too, but give me 'No cross, no crown' by him over this any day of the week.
Or check Nat Townsley Jnr's 'Sunshine on my shoulders' for some real uplifting soul touched with gospel....cheapo good stuff
Yeah, I'll agree it's slightly above mediocre - I'd gladly pay the $7 my copy cost me.....I do think there's much better examples of Glosters work around, though. And like you say the price is totally mystifying, which goes with the flow of the thread.
Have you checked the 'No cross....' cut from his Master Control 'Praying spirit' LP on Douglass, mate?