Well, I guess that would've been a more logical approach. Usually whenever I sign up for a login Spidey or Spiderman anything is taken. I believe I tried Spidey when I registered, but for whatever reason it was taken. So, I was liking latin words and Malus aranea, which loosley translates to evil spider. Which is usually what I put, Evil spidey. I like the nickname spidey it reminds me of when I was 12 and fell off a 3 story building because I literally thought I had wall crawling powers. I also like how people get agitated with me and think I'm a little kid. Instead of a 24 year old 5'11" black dude.
However, the original question has not yet been answered, why do you sing your posts Spidey and which popular recording artists would you say they are sung most in the style of?
hope that answers that..
what's the story behind your name change?
- spidey
Oh, we tryna front like we tall now?
with the hair I got him measured at 6'1"
Ive never said this before:
Waited 4 years too. Damn.
x 1,000,000,000
- spidey
hahahahah spidey I will never question you again!!!!!
and Egbert Souse is a character from the movie The Bank Dick with WC Fields.
5' 11" is tall?
reg in '03
However, the original question has not yet been answered, why do you sing your posts Spidey and which popular recording artists would you say they are sung most in the style of?
Instant SS classic. Where's 200 crates?
You're black?
- spidey
Tonearm is black too?
jesus, there goes the neighborhood....!
dieg* you're my dude and all, but damn. that shit is legendary status right there.
1st post?!?!?!