I got some of these...

ageage 1,131 Posts
edited October 2007 in Vinyl Wants / Trades
If interestedStu Gardner Inc (Apollo 15)Stumbled across a couple yesterday and want to share it:)They are unplayed s.s.(m-/m-)I've had a couple of these.But,never had the actual sleeve before.Not anything like I've ever heard this guy do beforeIt's a Private Issue and Really worth checking out.On a Funk/Psych tip.Really moody.Strong Vocals!Lemme know!Hit me with some trades Have an excellent day!Much peace and respect:AdrianOh..Plus I still have these records up for grabs too (records that people should get on:) Lurkers..Hit me at agesnufone(at)gmail dot com


  • ageage 1,131 Posts
    Compliments of Modal Sound (from waxidermy.com)

    Thanks again folks:)
    Much peace and respect:

    bare in mind the first couple bars of the bass is cut off, it goes on a bit longer at the start of the track

  • ageage 1,131 Posts

  • still got one of these left up for grabs...very interested.

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