Barq's is where it's at for me...mainly because my junior high school in NOLA had a machine that I used to hit up every day before my long bus ride home. Few outside of NOLA know that Barq's used to come in (and may still for all I know) all sorts of different soda flavors...grape, orange, etc.
theres this company called "Hanks" out here in California, I don't know if it exists elsewhere but that shit is amazing. I got a friend obsessed with finding the perfect soda. He's gone on this quest for years. He turned me on to Hanks and man I gotta admit dudes hard work paid off
I love root beer, but can't drink too much of that these days. I liked Mug when it first came out, very good flavor. But in the last few years it seems to have changed. Either that, or my tastes have changed.
Barq's is better. I used to get Barq's in the 2 liter bottles when I was a kid back in the 80's. The cans seem to hold more carbonate to me, maybe it's because we could never properly close the cap on the 2 liters correctly! More bubbles the better... and yes, A&W is waaaaay to sweet for me, it tastes more like candy that root beer.
Virgil's. They actually use real ingredients rather than flavor extracts, which is what most of them rely on now, unfortunately. Full disclosure: when my grandfather was still around, he used to make root beer, which was amazing and pretty much spoiled my ability to enjoy most bottled root beers. The recipe died with him, but my uncle still has all of his equipment, so we've decided to try and re-engineer it as best we can.
and the usual IBC, and JONES CREAM SODA LIKE WHA!
Henry Weinhard's Root Beer folls.....
Just to make this record related, here is a Root Beer record:
Hires put it out.
I hope she unpacks her adjectives.
da-mn! BARQ'S! lol i used to drink that all the time back in the day. Their commercials were kinda cool.
free barqtoos
i had one of them hoity toity micro brew root beers once and it tasted like shit. give me corn sizurp any day.
Sickest root beer ever because it has HONEY
melting the fucking shit out of my face
the best is when you stir it all up and make it like a rootbeer frosty cross breed thang
yes sir. this is the double truth Ruth.
Barq's is better. I used to get Barq's in the 2 liter bottles when I was a kid back in the 80's. The cans seem to hold more carbonate to me, maybe it's because we could never properly close the cap on the 2 liters correctly! More bubbles the better... and yes, A&W is waaaaay to sweet for me, it tastes more like candy that root beer.
that shit went the way of kentucky fried chicken. they defintiely changed up the formula sometime in the 90's or there about. damn shame.