yeah, they usually carry it (and Cullen's a buddy of mine)... that's the anarchist (progressive/socialist/whatever) book shop I referred to earlier in the thread.
They're not kidding about "The Photo Issue" tag on the cover -- because this issue of Wax Poetics is filled with a wealth of amazing music photos -- so much so, it almost feels like one of those high-end art books, but at a fraction of the price! The issue seems much larger than before -- almost 200 pages overall -- and it's filled with current and classic photos of New Orleans musicians, Brazilian artists, and a fair bit of hip hoppers from back in the day! But even with all those pics, the Wax Poetics crew have still given us plenty to read here -- as at least a quarter of the magazine still features text -- with articles on funky Miles Davis, Max Roach, Sharon Jones, Numero Group Records, East Bay Funk[/b], The Dragons, Beastie Boys, and others!
Just curious what the East Bay Funk thing is all about? Anyone know?
took out an ad in this months issue for my full length.
can't wait to get it.
this issue is going to be proper. 200 page miles special =
stocking stuffer fo sho!
Looking good.
And when I say no one, I mean neither of the two indie bookstores in the entire city.
Ask Cullen at Red Emma's - I'm sure he can get it for you.
Just curious what the East Bay Funk thing is all about? Anyone know?