3,362 Posts
A few firsts for mesealed FANIA-never before have I found ANY FANIA sealed-too bad its just an ok title[willie colon presents Ruben Blades] and the cleanest unplayed copy of acid I have ever found-no spindle marks or any signs of play-to bad its the stereo versionbut i am not complainingpsredundo/redorko=my serf/son-eat em and smile!
James Brown - Its a New Day So Let a Man Come in and Do the Popcorn
Rufus Thomas - Do the Funky Chicken
and Stanley Cowell's Waiting for the Moment
and I found this at a thrift store
with no record inside
right. well i shit you not but i was at a swap meet this morning and saw the first TORTA MANNEQUIN[/b]. that was well worth the fact that i didnt find any records.
Shaft is ok for a thrift store find, a couple of good tracks. Sammy Davis with the version of Shaft & a couple other ok tracks. A sixties dance craze record with some rocking versions of some songs, by the Teemates! Four Tops is a one sider, thanks also to Kathy Konkel for writing her name in sharpie on every record she ever owned it would seem. Detroit City Limits is a white label promo on OKeh, cool soul instrumental LP that I've never seen before, probably my best find of the morning. Patterson Singers is good, raw gospel, tidy original on Vee Jay, some of the voices could strip paint off a wall. Cool.
Great LP....sucks that the disc was missing.
These were in the dollar bin today...
dicklickinquisitive hiku
jealous toys
with no weekend finds to post
bitch and moan
like pre pubescent girls
god, i'm bored of kala.
(cue predictable searing rant; or, even better, i don't waste my time on toys like you...yawhhhn.)
So now I am left kicking myself & staring at the lone (Excellent condition except for the name on label - both sides - fuck) copy I managed to buy.
Mistakes made, lessons learned, I'm gonna stop kicking myself & get over it now.
Board Of Directors ft.KC Stewart - Happy/Hanging Tough - Record Symphony Co - Brooklyn 1978.
And not a disco fan??? Tsk tsk!!!
Damn! The whole time I was reading this, I was POSITIVE that it was
going to turn out that KATHY KONKEL was the artist! And at one point
I thought you were going to say that the 2 copies on popsike had
KATHY KONKEL written on their sleeves, too
I would post some pics of my finds, but Im tired after driving 7 hours today driving back from DJing with Neville C on a Van Halen sized PA and making 18 year old girls flip out to Polish freakbeat and Bollywood jernts, and digging in Indiana and dont feel like taking pictures of The Wailers "Everywhere" and "Out of our Tree" Mono LPs, that ghey soft psych bullshit record "Kites Are Fun", Mint Maggot Brain, Mint Stax/Volt Revue, T Rex Peel Session, Lulu "New Routes", some Seeds 45s, Flirtations "Nothing But a Heartache", among others....only to come home and find that my girl cleaned my office/record room and organized my closet, what a sweetie...a good weekend!
It's actually taken years to find a clean copy of the Persuaders.
"File copy"
Got the NM JB's at a spot that never ever has records. I should
know, I used to work there. But a rift in space allowed a clean JB's
and Nard/Pleasure to appear in their neverchanging bins, and cheep.
The Womack and Titan comp were cheap innernet grabs. "The Womack Live"
was recommended by my man P_Gunn, and lived up to the hype. Belongs
up there with the many great live 60's soul albums. He absolutely
kills it on a few tracks. Great small-club feel, too, like the Curtis &
Etta James live albums. Easy to find cheap. Titan is a 1980 midwest power
pop label collection. According to Rockadelic, this label is getting a TNG
comp released soon. I can see why, there are some great songs on there.
Tangerine Zoo is VG- but a decent player copy of some raer psych.
Ed Sanders is a pretty scarce one, too.
ok ... not really 'finds' but i got these in the post and im pretty chuffed -- the HALINA FRACKOWIAK LP is a late birthday present from my mum that she picked up in poland 6 months ago and kept quiet about. cheeky cow.
the 7" is COUNT FIVE - "psychotic reaction" has a warp but seems to play fine --- for ??2 im not really bothered. great tune.
wow. i definitely gotta work that into my regular vocabulary.
that and "jealous little monkey"
i dint come up on much...some dollar joints a byron lee id never seen before (ram jam, slow run, groovyfeeling, soul day....promising titles?)
and a record called A Child's Cry: a clue to diagnosis...a semi creepy looking sounds record put out by a penicilin company. one track: The Cat-like-cry of cri-du-chat or cat-cry-syndrome. another: the high pitched cry of a child with hydranencephaly. i'm kindof scared to listen to this.
I don't think Rey is exactly paralyzed with jealousy over most of these.
Nah..... but he had to squint like a mofo.
glad to finally get a copy of the first soft machine LP with turning dial thingy...
the 7's are:
JOHNNY & THE HURRICANES - "rocking goose" (ace)
GEORGIE FAME - "try my world"
GEORGIE FAME - "get away"
ALICE COOPER - "working up a sweat"
CLASH - "radio clash"
But my stock for the Night Owl is starting to shape up and will include all these: