Heroes Season 3....

HATED IT!spoilers below....OK, what the fuck? I DVR'd heroes and watched it last night and that shit was WACK. Dude that can turn shit to gold? Stupid. And the boy in the Claire's new school? DOUCHEBAG. that whole robot v. alien shit was so corny we groaned every time he opened his mouth. The worst part was the samurai turning out to be a white dude. ugh. so awful! The only rad part about the show was homeboy working in the kinkos type place. That shit was funny, and when he bent back his bosses finger I was laughing. "I'm on my break." And then the memory loss peter petrelli.... cliche count time!1. Bitchy cheerleaders2. New girl at school angst b/w boy notices her3. man with superpowers loses memory4. mysterious stranger out to kill5. midas touch6. former successful man gets depressed, starts drinking, hates mom, grows beard.7. white samurai Han Solo rip-off (supposedly in it for the money, but deep down he cares)8. border coyotes are bad, mmmmkay?9. special child has nightmares, draws fucked up pictures at school, my 2 dads.they better fix this shit up quick!

I hear ya, lots of cliches, but it does show potential... Agreed the part with the douchnozzle manager at kinkos was hilarious... Also the car promotion (when Claire was at school, just before robot boy hit her, her dad gives her the new car-forget the name) was
Can't wait to see the Kevin Smith directed episode of Heroes: Origins though (is this the fastest spin-off evar?)
i dont think they can beat season 1.
I wasn't feeling it quite as much, but season 1 was the best tv show I've seen for a fair while. Watching it on tv sucked though.