Why is Everything So Damn Expensive in the UK?
4,154 Posts
i have been living here for over a year and the place is cool but the price of shit never ceases to amaze me. why is shit so cottdamn expensive here?examples:-a 6inch tuna sub at subway is like $8-a 1/4 of bullsheet weed is about $100-120 (with massive run-arounds and hassles)-rinked stevie wonder albums are $18, no cti album sells for less than 15 bucks
Haha, why do you think UK people buy so much from ebay?
p.s that sounds pricey for 1/4, i would expect $80-90...
You should not: a) be eating at Subway, b) be buying shitty weed
and c) be buying CTI albums ...
With the exception of the weed, this could be LA.
i wouldn;t touch any of that stuff with a ten foot pole. i gave those examples becasue they are common ass things that we can all relate to and have a basis for comparison.
Needless to say most of my ebay business has been from Europe lately. More pound per pound.
But yes, record stores not only suck, but they are expensive... and quality of food is doo doo on a stick.
There is that underground mall in Edingburgh that do/did haggisburgers. Don't sleap.
the main reason is 2 dollars to the pound fella.
subway is an american import, not british. try eating somewhere that sells local food, and buy your food from the local market, it's cheap and better than supermarkets.
as far as weed and records, are you in london or a.n.other major city by chance?
we have a few record shops in town (notably psych specialists "ultima thule") and if there is ever anything of any interest anywhere it is going for at least twice the high end us price. i think the only time i really came up was when i dug up some mid-period ian carr record for about 8 bucks (and thats nothing to write home about- that record is really only worth 20 at most). i used to come up big regularly enough when i was based in north america. periodically, i go to london were the selection is sometimes ok at a couple spots i hit (notably record exchanges at camden and nottingham) but again prices are just through the roof for the most part. its always cheaper to just buy it on ebay and thats real annoying.
also, charity shop breaks blow.
whoa! time out, explains all
yeah dude, but i been all over the uk. whatever else you may say, record stores and diggin in general flat out sucks in this country. i wish it weren;t that way, believe me.
certainly not a news flash. Nobody warned you before
you went to England that the food would be gross??
they did and i heard the cliche but i didn;t belive it until i got here. there is no earthly reason i can discern for why it is as bad and overpriced as it is. after having lived in foodie paradises like montreal and vancouver it was a real rude awakening.
Well, with all respect to my UK brothers, it is pretty
much a global opinion that food in Great Britain is fairly
inedible to anyone not born there ... I mean, I'm sure
there are many fine establishments and you can find good meals
if you want, but the British diet is very um ... unique ...
Cool, i know the rep it has, i've just never had the chance to ask people to be more specific before though, what would you consider the British diet to be?
Because i see all kinds of places full of people, Italian restaurants, Mexican, Japanese, Indian, and loads of friends cooking that kind of thing when they're at home too...
This is why there are no English Food Restaurant chains in the U.S.
And Americans will eat damn near anything.
Rents actually 500 pounds a month, I pay half - 250 pounds a month, sorry my bad... typo.. Still kinda expensive for not living right downtown (10 minutes away tho)...
sparko's right... there's been a few decent restaurants here and there, but the ratio of shit ones to good ones is higher than any other major country that I've been to..
Elephants leg...
It's supposed to be lamb, but in reality is an offal ice-pop...
My wife is from Tokyo and she cant belive how expensive everything in the UK is.
Eating out in Tokyo can be as cheap or expensive as you want it to be but I feel even at the cheap end you are getting quality.
Lunch times you can get killer ???lunch menu??? deals in Tokyo for about 1000Y that ??5 here a pasty and a bottle of water will cost almost that.
And as for records store the prices are crazy here, the stuff that gets labelled at $bin shit by you stateside guys is like always ??10+ here.
But there are good/cheap records to be had if you put the work in (some of the VV guys have amazing finds) but you really have to put the work in rolling up to a store and hoping to find nice records at even a reasonable price is unlikely.
I feel (and I can only use Japan as my comparison because that the only other place I???ve spent a bit of time) that in the UK we simply do not get value for money. The tabloid term ???Rip-off Britain??? springs to mind.
zebu anyone? uk resto scams and flams