There's old buildings and shit right? Thats cool to me. Historical stuff, but not museums so much. I'll be there for a weekend in november. I guess it gets pretty cold there, huh?
Catch a Bosox game......but don't go until the 8th inning when they bring that Gagne guy in to pitch,.....that's when all the fun starts.
HAHAHA ... reading is fundamental, Rich. He's not going until November, at which point the Sox will have already won the World Series and attention will be on the Patriots unbeaten season.
Catch a Bosox game......but don't go until the 8th inning when they bring that Gagne guy in to pitch,.....that's when all the fun starts.
HAHAHA ... reading is fundamental, Rich. He's not going until November, at which point the Sox will have already won the World Series and attention will be on the Patriots unbeaten season.
I don't know how to read...
So are we gonna bet on who gets more TD's between Moss and T.O.?/
It is cold, and the weather is unpredictable. Though, I love that time of year here.
Things to do:
Walk through one of the oldest downtowns in the country. Go to the North End Italian section of town. Go to cambridge, and check out my favorite part of town. Go to Zuzu for Saturday night soul night...
So are we gonna bet on who gets more TD's between Moss and T.O.?/
Or on an undefeated Pat's season.
Your choice.
I'm just not as into all this betting as you are. I see you offer bets all over the place, man - I think you may be obsessed! Personally, I'm way too superstitious to bet like that ... I believe in jinxes. But, if you really wanna make an avatar bet about the Moss/T.O. thing, I guess we can, but my heart is not really in it.
Go to Logan Airport and leave. One of the best parts about Boston. Oh - they have a kickass ball machine thingy in the American Airlines or Delta terminal there - check that out....when you're leaving.
OK OK I'm sorry. That was a little mean.
Uuuuhhhhh -- the sushi restaraunt in the bottom of the Clio Hotel at the corner of Beacon and Mass Ave - I remember that being really good. Anndd uuhhh.....the people have funny accents and stuff?
So are we gonna bet on who gets more TD's between Moss and T.O.?/
Or on an undefeated Pat's season.
Your choice.
I'm just not as into all this betting as you are. I see you offer bets all over the place, man - I think you may be obsessed! Personally, I'm way too superstitious to bet like that ... I believe in jinxes. But, if you really wanna make an avatar bet about the Moss/T.O. thing, I guess we can, but my heart is not really in it.
I've made two bets since I've been on SS.
Both with Philly Phill and he took me to the cleaners both times.
I just believe in putting my money where my mouth is.
Oh yeah... there was that offer to leave SS forever if Dolo would show us a photo of himself with his mega-vinyl collection.
16-0 is some crazy shit to be talkin'...but I assumed you'd put your figurative money where your mouth is.....avatars, records, anything to make it more intersting.
Avatar bet is cool....shit, Philly Phill took me for soft drinks, not cash.
16-0 is some crazy shit to be talkin'...but I assumed you'd put your figurative money where your mouth is.....avatars, records, anything to make it more intersting.
16-0 is some crazy shit to be talkin'...but I assumed you'd put your figurative money where your mouth is.....avatars, records, anything to make it more intersting.
G*ry - go into a bar and make a bet with some college dudes that you can get a girl's number. Then when you get it, ask the dudes "Do you like apples?" They'll say "Yeah." Then you say, "Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples?"
Rock is def not scurred. What about that crushing defeat to the one Mylatency? or would you rather delete that one from memory.
Yeah, Rock - and off the top of my head, I remember you having an Avatar bet with Batmon, and challenging both Jonny Paycheck and someone else (not Phill) to bets in the NBA playoffs thread.
C'mon, dude. "I've made two bets" - you challenge bets weekly!
Anyway, I ain't mad atcha, it's your thing. Just not mine.
Besides, my "undefeated season" comment up above wasn't some bold statement, it was just what you said - talkin' shit.
G*ry - go into a bar and make a bet with some college dudes that you can get a girl's number. Then when you get it, ask the dudes "Do you like apples?" They'll say "Yeah." Then you say, "Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples?"
G*ry - go into a bar and make a bet with some college dudes that you can get a girl's number. Then when you get it, ask the dudes "Do you like apples?" They'll say "Yeah." Then you say, "Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples?"
G*ry - go into a bar and make a bet with some college dudes that you can get a girl's number. Then when you get it, ask the dudes "Do you like apples?" They'll say "Yeah." Then you say, "Well, I got her number. How do you like them apples?"
let's go for drinks.
HAHAHA ... reading is fundamental, Rich. He's not going
until November, at which point the Sox will have already
won the World Series and attention will be on the Patriots
unbeaten season.
(no offense beantowners...)
I don't know how to read...
So are we gonna bet on who gets more TD's between Moss and T.O.?/
Or on an undefeated Pat's season.
Your choice.
Glove and Hat too.
It is cold, and the weather is unpredictable. Though, I love that time of year here.
Things to do:
Walk through one of the oldest downtowns in the country.
Go to the North End Italian section of town.
Go to cambridge, and check out my favorite part of town.
Go to Zuzu for Saturday night soul night...
I'm just not as into all this betting as you are.
I see you offer bets all over the place, man - I
think you may be obsessed! Personally, I'm way too
superstitious to bet like that ... I believe in
jinxes. But, if you really wanna make an avatar bet
about the Moss/T.O. thing, I guess we can, but my
heart is not really in it.
OK OK I'm sorry. That was a little mean.
Uuuuhhhhh -- the sushi restaraunt in the bottom of the Clio Hotel at the corner of Beacon and Mass Ave - I remember that being really good. Anndd uuhhh.....the people have funny accents and stuff?
I've made two bets since I've been on SS.
Both with Philly Phill and he took me to the cleaners both times.
I just believe in putting my money where my mouth is.
Oh yeah... there was that offer to leave SS forever if Dolo would show us a photo of himself with his mega-vinyl collection.
16-0 is some crazy shit to be talkin'...but I assumed you'd put your figurative money where your mouth is.....avatars, records, anything to make it more intersting.
Avatar bet is cool....shit, Philly Phill took me for soft drinks, not cash.
besides Kon and Amir got all the good records[pun tended] so why even bother goin' there
I understand.
That's some funny shit....
Go read some stories about Yaz the person and you'll find out he was the Kala of MLB!!!
Rock is def not scurred. What about that crushing defeat to the one Mylatency? or would you rather delete that one from memory.
Yep....wiped that one clean off the hard drive.
Can't say losing discourages me(or teaches me a damn lesson).
Yeah, Rock - and off the top of my head, I remember you having
an Avatar bet with Batmon, and challenging both Jonny Paycheck
and someone else (not Phill) to bets in the NBA playoffs thread.
C'mon, dude. "I've made two bets" - you challenge bets weekly!
Anyway, I ain't mad atcha, it's your thing. Just not mine.
Besides, my "undefeated season" comment up above wasn't some
bold statement, it was just what you said - talkin' shit.
For the record, pros (such as myself) do not engage in such wishful thinking.
Betting sometimes helps control shit talking.
Is that funny in boston?
Is it still really RACIST up there?
Yeah, totally!
Especially me! I'm a complete and utter RACIST!
you goin to the meeting tonight?
hahahhahahaaha. awesome.
i take it you are not Matt Damon's #1 fan