does Bob Dylan drink Starbucks?

bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
edited June 2005 in Strut Central


  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    as fuck

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    yeh i just read this... ugh... I was dissapointed when SB bought hear Music as well, it was dope store...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    Thoughts on the whole HMV boycott of alanis morissette deal?

    Not that I would care about AM.. But it's interesting to see a corp get pissy over something they would have jumped at themselves!

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    One of his tunes was used in a Bank of Montreal ad a couple years back...I guess he wants the $$$$.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Thoughts on the whole HMV boycott of alanis morissette deal?

    Not that I would care about AM.. But it's interesting to see a corp get pissy over something they would have jumped at themselves!

    I don't know too much about it. I think the only thing I have to say, and it ain't much, is that they all deserve each other.

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts
    I know[/b] he wants the $$$$.

    The fact he's been relentlessly tourin' for years isn't to bestow the opportunity to woe begotten fans to see him live, it's to FATTEN his wallet - nothin' wrong w/ that, can't knock the hustle, but I sure hope he doesn't still see himself as Dylan, the 'protest' singer/songwriter...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    Thoughts on the whole HMV boycott of alanis morissette deal?

    Not that I would care about AM.. But it's interesting to see a corp get pissy over something they would have jumped at themselves!

    I don't know too much about it. I think the only thing I have to say, and it ain't much, is that they all deserve each other.

    Figured u would think it also...

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    did anybody see the interview with dylan on 60 minutes this year??

    dude is definatly in another kind of zone.

    but at the same time he came off as pretty mystified by the whole process of his being termed "the voice of his generation"... i mean its gotta be pretty surreal to be all hopped up on speed high 24 / 7 and spew out mountains of lyrics when yer 20 years old and then be expected to analyse / explain them 40 years later.

  • Yes, but only after it's been strained through a Victoria's Secret model's bra.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I know[/b] he wants the $$$$.

    The fact he's been relentlessly tourin' for years isn't to bestow the opportunity to woe begotten fans to see him live, it's to FATTEN his wallet - nothin' wrong w/ that, can't knock the hustle, but I sure hope he doesn't still see himself as Dylan, the 'protest' singer/songwriter...

    It is a mystery to me why Dylan tours.

    It is a mystery to me why he is selling his music to advertisers.

    It is a mystery to me why he hates his fans.

    Why do people who have more $$$ than they will ever spend want so much more?

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    Bob Dylan is lookin a lot like Vincent Price as of late. Creepy.

  • street_muzikstreet_muzik 3,919 Posts
    I believe that CD sales amounted to 18 % of their last quarter profits. That is insane. Good business move on their part, no?

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    i remember reading an interesting interview with caeser diaz.. he was dylan's guitar tech for years (as well as claptn, srv etc etc).

    Anyhow he described Dylan as a huge practical joker... basically that he gets a kick out of pissing people off, confusing critics etc. He knows the poplular impression of him is as some sort of god so he just completely takes the piss knowing damn well know one has the balls to come out and say what he's doing is REATARDED.

    if people say he's the greatest lyricist of all time then he'll sing the song garbled and wrong.

    i mean look at the whole born again xian period.. then the jewish thing... its flip floppery of the highest order.

    moral of the story is that he sadly lost the "gift" he once had long long ago and is now more than willing to sorround himself with sycophants and work with lame ass producers like lanois who'll call all the artistic shots for him on each album.

    you have to remember Dylan was THE figurehead of the counterculture movement back in the day.. and he hates that shit with a mad passion, so the best way to piss off all the old hippies is by becoming the polar opposite which is a money grabbing product placement type.

    i feel sorry for the dude because honestly it seems like most of his motivations are based on trying to fuck with other peoples assumptions of what he should be doing as oppossed to actually having the balls to make a true ARTISTIC career decision based on his own instincts.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    did anybody see the interview with dylan on 60 minutes this year??

    dude is definatly in another kind of zone.

    but at the same time he came off as pretty mystified by the whole process of his being termed "the voice of his generation"... i mean its gotta be pretty surreal to be all hopped up on speed high 24 / 7 and spew out mountains of lyrics when yer 20 years old and then be expected to analyse / explain them 40 years later.

    The thing that hit me hardest in the whole interview was when Ed Bradley asked him, point-blank, if he still has it:

    "I used to. I don't do that anymore. I don't know how I got to write those songs. Those early songs were almost magically written," says Dylan, who quotes from his 1964 classic, "It's Alright, Ma."

    "Try to sit down and write something like that ("It's Alright"). There's a magic to that, and it's not Siegfried and Roy kind of magic, you know? It's a different kind of a penetrating magic. And, you know, I did it. I did it at one time."

    Does he think he can do it again today? No, says Dylan. "You can't do something forever," he says. "I did it once, and I can do other things now. But, I can't do that."


    I mean, for a man of Dylan's stature to admit that, even though it's fucking written on the wall, still kind-of hurts. It hurts me personally, as someone who aspires to create things; to face the fact that, one day, all my talent, little as it is, will be dust and photos. I had a good think about the nature of creativity that night.

    Another thing: Dylan never wrote for his audience. He never really wrote for anyone but himself. He was never a Bono-type. I'm not surprised that he hates all the fans, freaks, and hangers-on. But I think at this point in his career, some of his handlers are whispering to him: "Bob, it's time to think of your legacy. Get out there and chisel something good on your tombstone."
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