Anyone have Instr. of Ghostface "Kilo"?
4,922 Posts
Need it for a piece I'm working on this week.Any help would be greatly appreciated...
Ehhh...don't do it. not tht big a deal.
found something else that'll work; it's actually for a tv piece, not a song. And, no Gene, not about #81.
#39. Just wanted the beat...
love it, though. Moss...nice job.
this was on the up and up. wasn't trying to jack for beats. we do one piece a week with paid for, licsensed music, and this if the first time i got to produce it. trying to add my flavor.
Hey, how 'bout we give my man L-Dawg some frickin goalline carries. Rizzle Mizzle really doesn't need to score 24 touchdowns.
I was just making a joke about it being for Moss....surely you get my silly riff. It's kind of funny that a dude named "MoSS" actually made the track.
Oh shitt...i thought you were riffing on thing MoSS used to buy by the Kilo.
double funny.
Agreed...L.M. is getting his big profile this weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.
Def Jam doesn't usually do pellas but the dropped the ball on this one with how they released it. That was one song I really wanted.
Props to moss. Great song.
I'd do it in a sec, but this got the kaybosh from the folks who edit my flava.
MoSS, sorry i can't help you out. If anytime in the future I'm calling the shots, I'll try to hook this up.