Who Here Is Wican??

jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
edited September 2007 in Strut Central
I knew a girls who was a witch or whatever. she didnt fly on a broom, which was a disappointment.who worships the darkside?


  • why does it gotta be the darkside?

    whats wrong with darkness? i thought black was beautiful?

    for real though, wican seems to be a pagan thing that just tries to restablish a deep connection with natural rhythyms. i dont have any probelm with that.

    i had this girl in baltimore who was a fire eater. i started to get nervous about our relations and so i tried to cool the bedroom stuff off. i did this while in bed with her and i swear that her face got all demonic and she hissed at me with a weird serpent tongue. that is all.

  • Did it feel like sandpaper?

  • no. that shit was dope. but the whole situation was reminiscent of Ulysses on Circe's island.

    thanks for asking, dirtbag

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    Dont Wicans get down with spells and whatnot?

  • i think thats the ones who are fronting

    theres a lot of history that im not really that up on, but the gist of it is that witches were the midwives and healers who knew all about medicinal herbs and proper birthing techniques. too much power for women to have in male dominated cultures. so witches were demonized as dangerous gatekeepers of evil and shit. like a lot of pagan religions that were very goddess worshipping, matrilineal cultures, that shit had no place in christian, male dominated civilization.

    so anyway.i suspect that any modern day wiccan thats trying to be all up on cputting spells on people and reading palms is full of shit.

  • no less than three of my homegirls from high school have become midwives. new craze seems to be sweeping the nation.

  • burn em at the stake, i say

  • pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts
    Every Wican I've ever met has been a weirdo or asshole.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

  • Is there an adverse relation to employment and one being wiccan?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Is there an adverse relation to employment and one being wiccan?

    Yeah, it's hard to find an employer who is willing to overlook that Pentagram tatoo on the middle of their forehead.
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