any of y'all got EU FREEZE on a nice MP3 for me?
4,594 Posts
been waitin for this schitt to turn up on soulseek since forever... still haven't seen it. i mean, this is not some rare record or anything, so I'm like WTF??? plenty of "knock em out sugar ray", so why not the flip? don't fools know that the b-side wins again? dumb asses. ANYWAY if anybody got that for a pimp i'll be very appreciative
@ 192
Thanx hommie! I needed this too.
my man 50 grand! extra good looks on that, my mellow
anybody else got this?
don't need knock em out sugar ray, though, just the flip wihich is the OG "EU Freeze". i think i'm gonna have to break down and dig out my vinyl copy, wherever the hell it's at... didn't think the mpfree would be this hard to acquire
nah, i decided not to get into any porn download activities tonight after all... i'll just wake up the old lady, bother her for a few minutes and go to sleep. Thanks anyway, Cos!
yep... still need it, doggie
thanks, man!