TIFF (Toronto International Film Fest)



  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts
    Well, I am VERY happy I didn't buy advance passes as I have in the past. I am *VERY* disappointed in the films at this years festival. I wouldn't have been able to pick 25 films if I would have grabbed the day pass like I did last year ;(

    I might be alone, but I was really upset when I saw that KiDuk's BREATH didn't make it. He screened at Cannes, and from what I recall almost all of his films have made the TIFF. When I saw TIME last year, it was an afternoon/weekday screening and the theatre was 80% full. It was the one film I was anticipating, and they pulled it out from under my feet! lol.

    The only film that has caught my eye so far is Bela Tarr's. I've been talking with Bassie a lot about the festival, and she seems to have a few on her list so I might look closer. I actually just realized this morning I have a bootleg of one of the films already ;( That's not a good look when a festival is behind the bootleg market. Maybe there will be a sleeper Canadian film. I saw Saints-Martyrs-des-Damn??s 2 years ago (with a whopping 16 other people) and it ended up being one of the more enjoyable films of the festival for me. The Canadian stuff can be a pleasant surprise at times

    I'm going to grab one of the books and read up on some of these more and maybe I'll grab some tickets on the 4th or 5th (whichever day it is).

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I actually just realized this morning I have a bootleg of one of the films already

    Is it one of the films on my list?

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    Yeah, as far as I know Kim Ki-Duk, Claire Denis, Michael Haneke, and Apichatpong Weerasethakul, all favorites of mine, have new features completed or nearly so. I put in for a ticket for Help Me Eros from Tsai Ming-liang's leading man Lee Kang-sheng; I noticed Tsai has a production designer credit, which makes he hope it'll be cut from his sorta cloth.

    Bela Tarr, Sokurov, and Catherine Breillat are also great in my book, and I put in for tix to their films, although in the last two cases their features this year sound less appealing than past works.

    But yeah, a disappointing showing from the bigger names of int'l cinema... hopefully that means there are a lot of amazing sleepers/gems/discoveries to be had.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Bela Tarr, Sokurov, and Catherine Breillat are also great in my book, and I put in for tix to their films, although in the last two cases their features this year sound less appealing than past works.

    Yes. Which is why I skipped the last two when I had first intendended on going. Greenaway, too. I'm not really into period pieces and I think they will come out between wide release and Cinematheque.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    Bela Tarr, Sokurov, and Catherine Breillat are also great in my book, and I put in for tix to their films, although in the last two cases their features this year sound less appealing than past works.

    Yes. Which is why I skipped the last two when I had first intendended on going. Greenaway, too. I'm not really into period pieces and I think they will come out between wide release and Cinematheque.

    Period pieces are the worst. I can think of a few exceptions (House of Mirth from around 2000-'01 was pretty great), but in general I stay away.

    Sokurov usually pulls it off. Breillat hasn't done one yet, has she?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    This new one by Breillat is a period piece - they actually use the word 'trollop' in the synopsis - lol!

    Yes, Sokurov is very good at period pieces that seem timeless.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    This new one by Breillat is a period piece - they actually use the word 'trollop' in the synopsis - lol!

    Yup, I was just saying I didn't think she'd done one before, so no track record to assess how this one might be. Although she does come through with the occassional Bunuel-ian touch, which might suit this one just fine.

    This is sure to be controversial, but I didn't mind Marie Antoinette so much. I have a suspicion that film will age well, and I saw it as her staking out her right to make whatever film she wanted (as opposed to sticking to contemporary indie romances with a very specific tone).

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Did you see her introduce Anatomy of Hell with the main star? I felt so bad for the actress - Breillat took the mic right out of the girl's hand in the middle of a sentence! Cold! She was trying a little hard to sound smart to no doubt counter her role, but that is plain mean!

    I am not surprised Breillat has gone to this genre - I do think she is capable of making any type of film she wants. Anatomy of Hell was awful imo, but had aspects that I think would work better in a period piece.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    I want to see 4 months but the odds of getting a ticket to that looks rather slim right now.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    I want to see 4 months but the odds of getting a ticket to that looks rather slim right now.

    I put in for that, I hope I get it.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I think I'll lose out, too, but it will come out.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    So you guys in Toronto can start buying tickets Saturday, is that right?

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    wed 9/5, that's when single tickets go on sale.

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts
    So you guys in Toronto can start buying tickets Saturday, is that right?

    If you're going to be up here during the week, it'll be fairly easy to get 1 off tickets if you don't mind going during the day. I bet 4 months can be had for the day screening if you don't get the night. Two years ago I was able to score Cache and Lady Vengeance tickets that way, and last year films like Pan's Labyrinth & Red Road (which I consider "big ticket" films) etc... weren't sold out as I attended all of them during the day and there were open seats. Even "The Fountain" didn't sell out the day screening until 3 hours before the show, and it screened in the last 2-3 days of the festival! None of the "midnight madness" films were sold out for the day screenings I attended either. The only film I couldn't have got into (and honestly I couldn't care less about) was Borat. It's also one the reasons I didn't pass a book/pass this year. I've noticed over the last few years that I could have easily of attended 99% of the films I've seen without buying early, and I didn't need to see 1/3 of the films I picked because I had extra tickets from my package. If you're going for 8 pm shows, then you might be in trouble.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    If you're going for 8 pm shows, then you might be in trouble.

    That's me!

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts
    Anatomy of Hell was awful

    It was worse than awful if that's even possible

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    You see Fat Girl yet?

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    I loved Fat Girl!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    me too - great ending.

    It got banned here for a while for underage sex scenes. We actually have an Ontario Censor Board - just like in The Adjuster!

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts
    You see Fat Girl yet?

    No, but I purchased the DVD at a sale last year. Should I watch it, or throw it in the doubles/leave my house pile?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    lol - Definitely watch it and then leave your house!

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    me too - great ending.

    It got banned here for a while for underage sex scenes. We actually have an Ontario Censor Board - just like in The Adjuster!

    Maryland was notorious for having the U.S.'s last state-run censor board into the 70s... John Waters had many many run-ins with them during his early years.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,909 Posts
    Great to see MoSS posting again.

    This new job has got me all screwed up. Not sure what I can check out.

    I think you guys should post a top 3 to check out and I'll see if I can make any of them into my messed up schedule.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    DOR - I think you should check for these:

    Shakespeare in Love
    The Truth About Cats and Dogs
    Steel Magnolias

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,909 Posts
    DOR - I think you should check for these:

    Shakespeare in Love
    The Truth About Cats and Dogs
    Steel Magnolias

    Only if you will hold my hand through all three of them!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    DOR - I think you should check for these:

    Shakespeare in Love
    The Truth About Cats and Dogs
    Steel Magnolias

    Only if you will hold my hand through all three of them!


  • CahootsCahoots 378 Posts

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    I'll probably try and see a few films that will never come out here.
    "Boy A" looks interesting, as does "Chacun Son Cinema". I really want to see "Juno" and "I'm not there" but they'll probably be out here soon.

    I was curious about "Boy A" as well, but it didn't make my final list. Maybe I'll try to rush it. I'd wait on those last two, unless you're really eager to see who shows up to the screenings talent-wise.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    Just got an email confirmation that I got tickets for all 20 of the films I preselected with the out-of-town package. I'm feeling a lot happier with TIFF today than I was a few minutes ago!

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Just got an email confirmation that I got tickets for all 20 of the films I preselected with the out-of-town package. I'm feeling a lot happier with TIFF today than I was a few minutes ago!

    That's great!!
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