I'm not really sure cause I was drunk but I believe I was attempting to do the crank dat dance, I can't tell if I was jumping and cranking or just revving
ross better be careful, if he gets skinnier he might start to reach status moby
I'm not really sure cause I was drunk but I believe I was attempting to do the crank dat dance, I can't tell if I was jumping and cranking or just revving
ross better be careful, if he gets skinnier he might start to reach status moby
here's another look
plus this
and check out the best buds, here's the real kissy face
"If I got a 9 and you got a 9, and he got a 9 and she got a 9, and they got a 9 and they got a 9, WELL IT'S A MUTHAFLOCKIN' PARTY YO 'CAUSE I GOT MINE!"
BTW, B*n, I think we have the same computer. Get your Inspir on.
that was over at the parentals house; that one's my pop's. your boy is strictly XPS status (though my shit's been showing a system error for like three weeks and I can't do shit with it! yes mad doggie).
I anxiously await Serg's murder by Photoshop. I think a "Soft As Fuck Vol. I" joke is in order for the second time.
he can bring it if he has it. but clearly dude lives in a glass house.
imageshack/photobucket et al is blocked here at work. i'm wondering what is going on. All I see are little squares with red "x" through them where there should be photos. I'm scared.
From Yerba Buena Island
Diane Diane and Ms. Damn
The dance
The Sandman
You are looking at a pic of Rootless looking at a pic
Marin County hike
hold on, there's more.....
Ms. I Got Grapes
Regelia! And Undertheradar
Jim Beam enjoys the Tenderloin
The Phoenix
Jim Beam and Cas
WEll, excuse me..
King Mostest et moi
Jim Beam
this shirt is amazing.
Wow, where exactly is this? I want to be there right now.
- spidey
Motorcycle dance
me and Rootless
impromptu high school reunion plus kissy face
French (Canadian) toast
Betelnut got eats
Neta and skinny-ass Ross Hogg
Mi Lindo Yucatan
View of Twin Peaks
The long drive home
Loop lagoon trail from the Marin Headlands Visitor Center
It was a windy but beautiful day.
I'm not really sure cause I was drunk but I believe I was attempting to do the crank dat dance, I can't tell if I was jumping and cranking or just revving
ross better be careful, if he gets skinnier he might start to reach status moby
i luv you SF. everyone move here now!
(sorry jimbeam)
here's another look
plus this
and check out the best buds, here's the real kissy face
My SF trip was spent mostly in a motel 6 and on haight st. wondering what the fuss was about.
- spidye
Rootless is your brother?!
I gotta admit he's pretty sexy.
Beautiful pictures by the way.
This is like an Evangelical Christian's view of the party scene. A drink, loud music, fraternizing...
"you'll burn in damnation"
Electric kool-aid test?
bell biv devoe = devil music
they burnin in hell!
"and now you know!...ohhh eee aaah haaa"
"If I got a 9 and you got a 9, and he got a 9 and she got a 9, and they got a 9 and they got a 9, WELL IT'S A MUTHAFLOCKIN' PARTY YO 'CAUSE I GOT MINE!"
You think he would know better than to take a picture like that with all the photoshoping that goes on here!
Looks like a rad trip.
But your brother would know that it's spelled Wanderlei. BTW, B*n, I think we have the same computer. Get your Inspir on.
I anxiously await Serg's murder by Photoshop. I think a "Soft As Fuck Vol. I" joke is in order for the second time.
that was over at the parentals house; that one's my pop's. your boy is strictly XPS status (though my shit's been showing a system error for like three weeks and I can't do shit with it! yes mad doggie).
he can bring it if he has it. but clearly dude lives in a glass house.
damn Damn! way to come in here and make Anna's photos look like amateur hour...
i'm wondering what is going on. All I see are little squares with red "x" through them where there should be photos.
I'm scared.
OH SCHITT so you haven't seen THIS ONE?!?!?
you are in for it dude. just wait till you get home!
i gots blackmail-material photos on all y'all folls*, don't test.
*(ok, maybe just cas. but anna is guilty through marriage on that one, and you are related, so it's like relative blackmail.)
i'm pretty sure serg held that pose for 10 minutes
More Serg photoshops pics PLEASE!