... and NO, Spidey. I'm not going to check out Opera.ANYWAY, I'm pretty much a Safari dude, but every now and then I'll try Firefox and I'm now convinced that it runs so much better than Safari. It just doesn't look as cool I guess. What do YOU think? What is your preference, and why?
Boycott Apple you yuppies.
-paying my t-mobile bill. The button to submit the payment doesn't work in safari. It works fine in Firefox.
-adding pictures to the title page on my blog. It wouldn't work at all in Safari. Firefox did it in a second.
-various buttons or java related items. Maybe I'm not up to date on my Java, but shit cops out on safari. For instance, I can't preview things on z-share. I have to download it.
Wouldn't that be apples and apples?
Have fun with your spyware and browser hijacks.
Preferences->Tabs->Enable tabbed browsing
its basically safari with the firefox rendering engine
i use firefox because i need all the developers tools like Tidy / Firebug and what have you for testing web work
I was a dedicated Safari user, but I strictly use Firefox now on Macs.
If you don't like the OG look of FF, check out the OS Integration Themes. There should be several that mimic Safari's brushed metal steez.
Or backtrack to the general themes for mad other styles.
Isn't firefox supposed to be better for security? Or are you talking about Macs in general, cause obviously macs dont really deal with that shit, so it seems like Firefox on the Mac would be the best combo. Or maybe not, what do i know...
I like the customizablity of Firefox, like I got a little app built in that controls whatever mp3 im listening to, and it can jump between itunes, pandora, WMP, real, etc. All that cool shit out there that someone created seems like a real benefit of open source, like if i want to add a feature to firefox , 90% of the time I can search and find it...
As you can see in the pie chart up above. 75% of people use Internet Explorer so its a huge target for viruses, spyware, browser hijacks etc. PC with Internet Explorer ='s ultimate venerability. My coworkers like Firefox because you can write apps for it, but I was also told it has huge security flaws. I rock Safari just because it looks nice and the bookmark organization is on point.. Plus its demographics are so low that its off the radar for anyone who wants to write a virus. I like to surf in peace.
To enable, enter the following in Terminal:
defaults write IncludeDebugMenu 1
restart Safari and Debug menu is enabled.
I use Firefox for some flash video viewing as well.
Grease Monkey is my shit!
Scripts can be found at
The only script I really use is the one that puts your email signature at the top of your reply. Very helpful when dealing with as much email as I do. There's also a script that expands Google Maps into the whole window. Most other scripts for Grease Money are crap.
Mine already does that.
Really? Huh. What version are you running?
As an IT professional though - Firefox is way more robust. If you type in "about:config" in your Firefox address bar you can configure and tweak a shitload of settings. Comes in handy in an enterprise environment.
That said, I took a look at Opera the other day for the first time since 3.0 (that's 10 years ago), and it really is impressive. Definitely worth downloading and playing around with.
Latest version. Mine updates automatically so I should be running the latest.
Cmon, yknow you want to get with it.
- spidey
1. ability to use google browsers sync with safari (this I doubt cause they still want to sell .mac accounts)
2. ability to add things such as firebug and the web developer toolbar
3. ability for better CSS handling
*crosses fingers*