A question for Batmon.

OK, so I know your specialty is Batman, but I have a superman question and you seem to be pretty in to comic books.How does superman have muscles? I've been thinking about it, and if earths gravity affects him in a way that he is super strong, then it would be practically impossible for him to build muscles. How would he lift weights? everything is easy for him to pick up, so it would be like me lifting a soda can. Even if I did it all day I wouldn't get any muscles. I think in real life superman would be super flabby because nothing would give him a good workout. How would he burn fat? Go for a run? how many laps around earth would he have to do to even get tired?Something is fishy. There is no way superman could have those muscles.
you [BATMON]must be psyched for the new dark night movie that is coming out
sounds like it'll revive the franchise which faded into velveeta land
the new costume will have a neck that actually turns
Superman's Kryptoninan physique is an organic battery that stores and processes our "yellow frequency" solar energy. So under the the sunlight he would be absorbing our Sunlight. At night time, i would think his body would reroute that stored energy to the parts of the body that he uses. That's my guess.
In modern times - like on Smallville the writers have been tooling w/ the new idea that his powers have slowly developed over time. The "battery" is full around young adulthood. In the old days, Kal-El had heat vision as a baby.
Many of your questions cant be applied to an Alien physiology because the rules arent applicable.
And its just fantasy in the first place. Let it be.
Last time I spoke to Clark, he said he used his X-Ray vision on you and you didnt wash your hands after you shit. Nasty Bastard.
Late pass dude. Batman Begins already "revitalized" Movie Batman.
Now I remember why I still bother to hang around this place. Great post.
we got this far into the thread without Batmon
posting a pic. I figured he'd bust out some new
World-Premiere shit for this one ...
All-Star Superman is one of the hottest books out. Dont sleep.