Kids holding raers

A lot of parents on this board (and some new ones). Let's see them kids holding up some rares.Here is my lovely niece Alissandra posing with a delicious psych treat from Canada. Post rain shower for the nice foliage.

what is your glitch man?
i remember
i prefer tolstoy
One of the views of life that Tolstoy has is that what some people hold to be important is not necessarily important at all.
this is the line that gave me the douche chills and prompted immediate repulsion and negativity
Music is food for the mind.
Whatever. This thread is dead. I was hoping to see some cute pictures of strutter's kids and this seemed like a unique way of asking rather than "POST YOUR KIDS".
Don't mind him. K-K-Kala has anger issues.
You need a hug.
Not a mannequin, but a real person.
Who likes you.
Not "likes you" like you, but a friend.
Do you have any?
Just sayin'.
^^^ watches Pick Up Artist
I'm not sure what else you might be peeved at, but this thread was seemingly infused with the purity you see in the eyes of the young'uns featured therein.
Certains need to chill, Winstahn.
I remember the one like RareDave having a great pic of his wee'un holding some Cold Chillun' 10" [no sp?]. Save the negativity for more deserving targets perhaps???
My wife loves this picture so much...I know she's going to want to recreate it when we start rolling with a younun.
I was like, "When did Ne*l have a kid???"!
Just the commercials in-between Rock of Love...
seeing that little face at the end of the day must go a long way to making everything alright with the world.
Fatback - I've never seen someone with as adverse a reaction to Miles Davis
Cmon dude, dorky line yes, but cmon.
Thanks for the headz up. I would have rolled out if this were in the evening. Got some temp work for now. You guys still having that get together for Socal headz?
edit: Did you mean 10pm? I may just roll out to this. Today is one of three days I allow myself to drink.
I then conjectured that within the last five years we would have all imporved on our ironic detection.