Wanna Buy A Snake??? NYC Trip Thanks

Big thanks to Detroit's loss and Brooklyn's gain Josh D as well as old friends Asaf, Aleit, Seth and new friends Johnny and Jared. Would have liked to catch up with a ton of other NYC cats that I know (Beeven?), maybe next time. Brooklyn hit by a tornado? Get outta here. Flight delayed for 3 hours. Get to Flatbush finally and relax. Dinner in Soho, quick stop at a club, call it a night. Saturday nothing but records, records, records. Hit the fleas, get breakfast, see a cab crash into the front of a deli. BAM! It's hot as hell in the city but we get to four stores and I manage to spend an obscene amount of money (most of it in trade though). Thanks to Johnny at Good Records and Jared at Big City. Both stores are top notch. Back to Flatbush, get dinner, watch Deathrace 2000, out. Sunday relax, walk through Prospect Park, get bagels, hook up with Aleit. Good conversation and more records follow. All my Detroit dudes end up in Brooklyn! Back to the crib, rest, then off to Coney Island. Ride the Cyclone, see a salsa band, a guy on the pier offers to sell us a snake. Eat shitty food and go home. Monday I finally track down my man Seth, we talk records and life. Hook up with my boy, go back to the crib, pack, call a car service. Back in Detroit.Had a great time, hung out with great people, got some good records, relaxed and my non-record collecting homie got into grad school and most likely will get some of his papers published. Will definately be back.Peace,motorcityfunk(A***n)