i DJed for the first time last night.
https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,413 Posts
it was a lot of fun! everyone was dancing, girl who works at the place was like "you have to do my dance party next time", great experience. a few beginners mistakes were made, a record started skipping and stuff but overall a good experience. makes me wanna buy my own equipment and start practicing.what were you guys' first experience out like? good? bad? horrible? dont wanna even talk about it?
Good stuff Ako, if your djing is half as good as your producing you'll be fine!
Decided not to DJ again...
Careful man, making people dance is highly addictive.
My first time DJing to somebody other than a room of close friends was at a house party in Worcester MA to a living room packed with about 75 liberal arts undergrads drunk on keg beer and jungle juice, who went nuts for just about anything I played. I miss that shit.
last thing i did was at school and was surprisingly lots of fun b/c it was put on by people i know and it was for a culture club i think. so i felt most at home at this one being able to play music of different cultures/parts of the world. everyone got down and that feels real nice when that happens.
addictive is correct.
she's an eastsider who doesn't love hip hop
problem was some cute latina chick was there for her bday and wanted "something to dance to... you know, like hip hop or something"
dance floor still got moving a lil bit and it was, as someone mentioned, a very fun time and addictive
I vowed not to dj again for a long long time and to never let that shit happen like that again. Stayed in and practiced heavily for a year then did a bar and destroyed it. Got booked 2 times a week for 8 months. Im happy i did that gig cause it humbled me like a motherfucker. Showed me you have to really practice and get your shit together before you go out in public. But man that was a pretty depressing night.
It was loads of fun. But the best reward was later that weekend when my sisters boyfriend was talking to a random workmate about his weekend. Turned out this random was there and said I was by far the best dj of the whole night. jyeah!
I have done several house parties before that however, and in two weeks i'm doing a paid 21st for a mate's sister and they are always loads of fun but you have to be sure not to get too drunk or you'll end up with reocrds all over the place.
hahaha i knew that was coming
Anyway i had zero deep crates, just a random rock-heavy assortment of Sabbath, Pretenders, Sly, etc and some goofy novelty records which i tried to make transitions with. Major fuckups everywhere but no one cared becuz it was a rock show with a bar. i was very nearly attacked after i played "a little bit country" by donnie and marie after a country/rock band called Boys Named Sue. they were really mad at me.
after the show the owner was like "can you come back next week? we need someone who picks good songs like you do." but i never took them up on it for reasons i cannot recall.
Turned out the elderly neighbor was so rattled and angry by the loud noise that he had a heart attack and died. We turned it down after that.