how do I get rid of a wasp nest?



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    Killing wasps has always been a problem......most aerosol cans don't spray far enough and you wind up being too close to the nest and they follow the spray of the can back at you.

    Using a water based product around electrical boxes, etc.(This is where wasps like to nest) can also be dangerous because of shock potential.

    About 5 years ago I came up with an idea and with the help of the design engineers at my company we were able to patent it and get the EPA to approve it's use. We are now in the process of Marketing it.

    It allows you to hit a Wasp nest from 50 feet. It reduces the amount of chemical used by 1200% and it actually makes killing wasps fun and is a lot less dangerous than current methods.

    Basically we've taken a Paintball Gun and converted it so it will only shoot capsules of 100% natural pesticides. It has a laser scope and is pretty accurate.

    If you see the Wasp Blaster in your local Wal-Mart or Home Depot in the future you can say you saw it on SS first!

    I BEG you to try and find a way to sell those to Verizon. If you thought roman candle fights were some shit growing up, wait until you see a bunch of schmuck phone guys armed with laser-sighted natural pesticide guns. I'd never get anything done.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    I BEG you to try and find a way to sell those to Verizon. If you thought roman candle fights were some shit growing up, wait until you see a bunch of schmuck phone guys armed with laser-sighted natural pesticide guns. I'd never get anything done.

    How's about I send you one and you can show it to the powers that be??

  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts
    Killing wasps has always been a problem......most aerosol cans don't spray far enough and you wind up being too close to the nest and they follow the spray of the can back at you.

    Using a water based product around electrical boxes, etc.(This is where wasps like to nest) can also be dangerous because of shock potential.

    About 5 years ago I came up with an idea and with the help of the design engineers at my company we were able to patent it and get the EPA to approve it's use. We are now in the process of Marketing it.

    It allows you to hit a Wasp nest from 50 feet. It reduces the amount of chemical used by 1200% and it actually makes killing wasps fun and is a lot less dangerous than current methods.

    Basically we've taken a Paintball Gun and converted it so it will only shoot capsules of 100% natural pesticides. It has a laser scope and is pretty accurate.

    If you see the Wasp Blaster in your local Wal-Mart or Home Depot in the future you can say you saw it on SS first!

    So what would happen if, hypothetically, I shot this through someone's window?

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    I BEG you to try and find a way to sell those to Verizon. If you thought roman candle fights were some shit growing up, wait until you see a bunch of schmuck phone guys armed with laser-sighted natural pesticide guns. I'd never get anything done.

    How's about I send you one and you can show it to the powers that be??

    HAHAHA, well you can send me one no doubt, dudes will be severely outgunned for a long time. But me geting in touch with the powers that be isn't gonna happen, they're like the wizard behind that big-ass curtain. Corporate communication chains don't allow the lowly construction worker to speak to anyone above his immediate boss. They probably think we'd be calling them all day making caveman noises on the other end while constantly pressing buttons trying to make food come out of the phone.

    They order things like this from tool distributors such as Grainger, I don't know of any individual product manufacturers that they deal with directly. And the wasp spray we use is made by Rainbow, "specially formulated for the utility industry". Realistically we wouldn't have a use for the gun because the nests we find are inside cases and boxes high in the air, we can't shoot them from the ground because we can't see them until we're up there and have the box opened. The spray can actually works well for our needs.

  • CahootsCahoots 378 Posts

  • A few years ago I came home from work and wasps had built a nest right on the bedroom window of my 6th floor apartment! I don't know why those fuckers went up so high, but it freaked me out, cause I could see right into the nest. It was also in the middle of a heat wave, and so I couldn't open my window in case any of them flew in. I left it for a day while I figured out what to do. I ended up putting on a hoody, and some winter gloves and just opened the window real quick and used a spatula to fling the nest off! It worked too! The ones who were out of the nest at the time hung around for a day confused to where their home went.

    some poor sucker walking down on the street got fucked up

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    The ones who were out of the nest at the time hung around for a day confused to where their home went.

    They were probably waiting fr you to open the window again so that they could get your ass. wasps are seriously vindictive.

  • in association with. . .

    A J

  • FrankFrank 2,388 Posts
    Wasps are cool, just leave them alone.
    When I was a kid, we had a huge nest right next to our front door. It was located inside the rolling shutter space above the living room window. The rolling shutter could be suspended by winding this handle next to the window. One day I heard the bell ring and saw a couple of jehova's witnesses standing outside. I started rolling the shutter down a few inches and pulling it back up a couple of times. Jehova's witnesses staring at me in wonder, I waved and gave them a broad smile. Seconds later they were franticly running down the street hitting themselves over the head with their watchtower zines... hahahahaha... good times.

    Check out this giant monster bug that one of our dogs brought in a few weeks back:

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts

  • Wasps are cool, just leave them alone.
    When I was a kid, we had a huge nest right next to our front door. It was located inside the rolling shutter space above the living room window. The rolling shutter could be suspended by winding this handle next to the window. One day I heard the bell ring and saw a couple of jehova's witnesses standing outside. I started rolling the shutter down a few inches and pulling it back up a couple of times. Jehova's witnesses staring at me in wonder, I waved and gave them a broad smile. Seconds later they were franticly running down the street hitting themselves over the head with their watchtower zines... hahahahaha... good times.

    Door defences !!!

    Check out this giant monster bug that one of our dogs brought in a few weeks back:

    What is that ??? Insects that big give me the creeps !!!

  • FrankFrank 2,388 Posts

    What is that ??? Insects that big give me the creeps !!!

    I have no idea...
    tried to find out online but failed.
    I guess it was something they dug out of the ground, one creepy motherfucker that's for sure!

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts

    Br>That's a giant waterbug. We get them in FLorida a lot. When little ponds and large puddles that they live in start to dry up they fly to look for new places, and tend to land in brightly lit parking lots at night. They're harmless unless they get you with those pincers, but there isn't any poison in them, and an insect doesn't have that much strenf.

  • FrankFrank 2,388 Posts
    That's a giant waterbug. We get them in FLorida a lot. When little ponds and large puddles that they live in start to dry up they fly to look for new places, and tend to land in brightly lit parking lots at night. They're harmless unless they get you with those pincers, but there isn't any poison in them, and an insect doesn't have that much strenf.

    Thanx for clearing that up.
    I heard about those Florida waterbugs... and you get swarms of those fuckers? Urgh... disgusting!

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    Thankfully not swarms, but multiple homes tend to dry up at once.
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