What's working in the club this week?(DJ Related)
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So DCDigga and I are doing our monthly tonight down at St Ex in DC (feel free to drop in, DC Strutters, and hang with Becky, Kaitlin n' them), so I thought I would check with the Strut massive to find out what's clearing floors or filling them up up with happy drunks! I missed last month so I am feeling a bit rusty, so get me up to speed! We like to keep it fresh along with the familiar, y'know?SCHOOL ME.
Yeah, as usual my wife is the guage for me for what makes it in the club, and she has those joints on repeat, as she does Amy Winehouse which also worked well last night('Rehab'). 'Get Me Bodied', 'Tambourine' and 'Bartender' went down smooth with the folks last night. We also ended up doing almost an entire half hour of Biggie and Biggie-related, as the crowd just kept going nuts for each track. Ended with what has become our signature closer, Thelma Huston's 'Don't Leave Me This Way', which always sends the folks home in a good mood.
On a different topic, lots of making out evident on the dancefloor last night, looked like summer hook-up season is in full effect!