taking a flight(domestic) without valid id????

axefoleyaxefoley 331 Posts
edited July 2007 in Strut Central
i'm heading to cali 2morrow morning and i realized my drivers license expired last month(doh!) anybody dealt with this? i just did a lil research online and the tsa site says i'd have to go through additional screening....i'm still a lil shook..i'm bringing gear also which adds to my stress right now!i was looking for feedback from anybody who has gone through this.i don't have a passport or ss card either! i have my birth certificate though.procrastinating is biting me in the ass right now


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Bring the birth certificate, and anything else that might be official (even if it's not accepted as a standard ID.) You should be fine though. They'll just give you additional screening, and give yourself a little bit more time to go through said screening.

    This has happened to me at least twice, once because of expired ID and once because I actually had a plane ticket with a different name on it than the one that was on my ID.

  • thats really good to hear....my anxiety level just dropped a bit...thanks for the response!

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Sure thing, but you can fully relax and not stress about it once you're ON the flight. Make sure you get that ID renewed asap though.
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