shirts....records....and POSTERS???!?!??!?!

Anyone got any heat in this arena? I've been collecting for a while now and def got some joints.....always looking for more though - and got some joints for trade as well
In the arsenal currently on display:Zapp (S/T) - says "Features More Bounce to the Ounce"The Time - What Times is It?MFSB - Love is the MessageBlack Sheep - A Wolf In Sheep's ClothingPatrice Rushen - ill pic from the inside of Pizazz that says "Haven't You Heard" on it in red cursive-------those 5 are all 36" x 36"Pigbag - Doctor Heckyll and Mr Jive 36x24 On Tour posterGot a Can "Flow Motion" promo trade ad that's 18" x 12"Got a Rufus and Chaka 'Do You Love What You Feel' promo ad, also 18"x12"anyone interested in a Eugene McDaniels "Natural Juices" poster? 36 x 24.....more where that came from...

Biz - All Samples Cleared
Breaking Moves By The New York City Breakers
i got a couple others (Style Wars scene, Sir Nose D'Void of Funk) but definitely wanna get some more once I get into my next apt.
I still got my 'Word Up!' posters/ripped out pages from over a decade ago up on my walls. Nice to see Lim Kim when see was only 40% plastic.
And most of my shirts are stolen from comic conventions or are nerd related in some other way.