billbradleyYou want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,917 Posts
people still use "cats" though?
How is this term even remotively offensive? Or are you just saying that it's played out? Chicago still uses it - or at least, I do.
I wasn't implying it was offensive and I don't think it is played out. I just hardly hear anyone use "cats" anymore. Maybe it is the circles of friends I've been hanging out with lately.
yeah i hear it uttered by nearly everyone, no matter the age, race, gender.
it's jazz. it's blues. i like it. i also say fresh, dope, wack, and word. hatt it or luh it.
WHOA! How did I miss that fucking post!?!?
I wasn't implying it was offensive and I don't think it is played out. I just hardly hear anyone use "cats" anymore. Maybe it is the circles of friends I've been hanging out with lately.
Me too. All the time actually. I have no shame.
yeah, its kind of like "cool", i dont really see it leaving my vocabulary. I also still say fresh.
Im really not comfortable calling alot of shit "hardbody" (no homo) and "bananas" gets pretty old quick.