Happy Fucking Birthday Sweendog Stong Island!!!
9,768 Posts
... belated you know, cause he had to hide that shit and not let nobody know until I found that shit in my own jawn.But happy burthday to one on the finest dudes I've had the pleasure of meeting in the real world!!!Here's to you, broham.
And fuck it...big up yourself too, Sween.
HAHAHAHA NAAAAAH MAN, I meant my DAD's birthday is the same as yours and SOI's pops. Mine's in April.
Y'all can still send me gifts if you want.
Hilarious--and didn't you just get an appreciation post about a week ago?
Dude, I think you've got the votes to be president of SoulStrut!
hahahah. happy birthday Sween's Dad!!
Word up!
Yea, that's what I thought!
Hmmm, okay...now...how to get that sh*t over the border....
He's still clonning your hat.
Me: "Yo dad, soulstrut said Happy Birthday"
Dad: "No shit? Tell him thanks, is he still working at that job?"
My dad can't hear for shit, he thought I said "Joseph", which is even funnier since I know very few if any Joseph's. Turns out he was thinking of my friend Mike, which I still can't figure out.
For the benefit of the strut, you won't mind if I tell this story (you're actually on your way here allegedly, so you can't say shit anyway!)
I was out on Long Island buying some records, and after I was done I hooked up with Sween a couple towns over. We drove around in his truck hitting up some spots and whatnot. Btw Dude is The Mayor out there. Anyway, we pull up to his pop's house. I'm wearing a Yankee hat, which I hadn't even really thought much of but totally forgot that we're in Mets country. Poppa Sween rolls up to the car, shakes my hand, and says:
"Nice hat. Wrong car."
Cold as shit.
You come from good stock, homie.
Big Stacks from Kakalak
age with dignity, sweendog. you the man
sween=swoon. that's my boo.
please to yappity hoo crack a brew with (your pops).
Happy b-day to your dad Sween. Tell him a bunch of record nerds wish him the best.
Fuck it, call him today.