Stuck at Jury Duty arghhhhhh

funkyexamplefunkyexample 915 Posts
edited April 2005 in Strut Central
I guess it's to get out of jury duty in CA. so i am stuck with dealing. Now I am paying 4/hr on internet access Anyone actually ever serve on a jury. I've heard they are prejudicial young males. plus you usually don't serve a trial if you are related to lawyers or cops. oh well. another day of this i will be too much.


  • I just got called in like 2 weeks ago.

    Went in for my first day and tried to get out by telling the judge I'm self-employed and need to be home during regular business hours, but she wasn't havin it.

    Then I got to fill out the questionaire and was as honest and forward as I could have been. The case revolved around the following action-packed terms: telecommunications, bankruptcy, private stock investment. UGHHHHHH... I was NOT about to dedicate 4 weeks of my life to two bickering billionaire bitches. I let them know that I know a decent amount about telecommunications and I have biases towards big companies. I think my actual words included "I have a general disdain towards large corporations." The next day, when the lawyers were picking our brains, I wasn't asked a single question. They knew they didn't want me in that jury box.

    So let them know you how you feel. Don't go overboard on some fake racist shit, but if you prove you know enough about the subject at hand, they probably won't want anything to do with you.

    Good luck and hope you get outta there soon


  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,133 Posts
    plus you usually don't serve a trial if you are related to lawyers or cops.

    That's most likely true. I've never served but my dad got out of jury duty a few times just by being a long time friend of a veteran LAPD detective

  • EscalanteEscalante 197 Posts
    plus you usually don't serve a trial if you are related to lawyers or cops.

    That's most likely true. I've never served but my dad got out of jury duty a few times just by being a long time friend of a veteran LAPD detective

    I come from a family of cops...never had to serve..

  • i actually got picked the first time i ever got called for jury duty. some traffic court bs. the next two times i just threw that shit away when i got it in the mail. how can they prove you actually got that notice???? they can't. well at least not in texas, they don't make you sign for that shit.

  • recordsrecords 16 Posts
    they can't. well at least not in texas, they don't make you sign for that shit.

    Shhh, they have ears and eyes.

    Serving jury duty is a no brainer if you are paid by your company to serve. I think it can be an eye opening experience for those who don't know how our judicial system works.

  • DenmarkVZDenmarkVZ 397 Posts
    best alias ever.

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    they can't. well at least not in texas, they don't make you sign for that shit.

    Shhh, they have ears and eyes.

    Serving jury duty is a no brainer if you are paid by your company to serve. I think it can be an eye opening experience for those who don't know how our judicial system works.

    i havent been called in since i was in college, and back then i was able to get out of it... but now that i work fulltime and my work will pay me while i go to jury duty, im waiting for my summons damnit!

    those eyes & ears better hear this! I want to serve yo!

    besides as a big fan of law & order * matlock, it would be cool to see the process in person.


  • they can't. well at least not in texas, they don't make you sign for that shit.

    Shhh, they have ears and eyes.

    Serving jury duty is a no brainer if you are paid by your company to serve. I think it can be an eye opening experience for those who don't know how our judicial system works.

    i havent been called in since i was in college, and back then i was able to get out of it... but now that i work fulltime and my work will pay me while i go to jury duty, im waiting for my summons damnit!

    those eyes & ears better hear this! I want to serve yo!

    besides as a big fan of law & order * matlock, it would be cool to see the process in person.


    ya know , that reminds me. last time i got a notice and threw it away, i still told my boss that i had jury duty and took the day off with pay anyways
    i wanna say i went diggin or something.....

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    I served on a jury about a year ago. The company I was working for paid for it so it was a no brainer. Traffic court / injury scam between a Russian Dude and a Hippie Dude... boring but insightful indeed. We went with the plantiff.

  • Did you go with the Russian or the hippie?

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    the Russian

  • davesrecordsdavesrecords 1,802 Posts
    how come you guys are serving as jurors ? whenever i get the notices i just toss em.
    never had to serve never had them come to my door about tossing it.

  • I served on a jury about a year and half ago in SF. Second time I'd been called. The first time I wend to the Federal Court near Fulton. This second time was at 850 Bryant. They were pretty hardcore. The jury selection took two full days. Just the process of choosing people was interesting. They pull 24 names. 12 people sit in the jury box and another four sit inside the gallery. Everyone introduces themselves including age, occupation, neighborhood, etc. The lawyers jot everything down. As the lawyers dismiss the first 12, the seats are filled up by the other 12 sitting in the gallery.

    I was the last person put on the jury. Within 10 minutes opening statements began.

    It was an assault and batterey case. Two janitors in a work program for ex cons. They had junky backgrounds. One dude showed up late and was fired. He came back and confronted his boss and got into a fist fight.

    We couldn't come to a decision as a jury.
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